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2005.11.21 CC Minutes - Joint EDA
City Council
City Council Minutes
2005 CC Minutes
2005.11.21 CC Minutes - Joint EDA
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Minutes for the EDA/Council meeting of November 21, 2005 <br />Page 2 <br />The subcommittee had also prepared a draft press release and Q&A newsletter about TIF and <br />the downtown redevelopment plan for review by the Council and the EDA at the meeting. <br />Staff recommended that the Council and the EDA review the draft Q&A newsletter and press <br />release and become familiar with the materials. Staff recommended that the Council and the <br />EDA approve the materials for immediate distribution to downtown residents and property <br />owners if the Council and the EDA are comfortable with the content of the documents. The <br />Council and the EDA reviewed the draft newsletter and press release and requested that Staff <br />make some minor changes to the documents before distributing the materials. The EDA and <br />the Council also recommended that the TIF subcommittee send a letter to the downtown <br />property owners before the open house meeting. <br />Miron recessed the meeting at 8:30 am and passed the gavel to EDA member Klein who <br />reconvened the meeting at 8:45 a.m. Miron returned at 10:20 a.m. <br />UPDATE ON TWIN CITIES COMMUNITY CAPITAL FUND PROGRAM <br />At the September 19, 2005, joint EDA/Council meeting Scott Martin from the Twin Cites <br />Community Capital Fund (TCCCF) gave a presentation about the organization and the benefits <br />members receive from participating in the fund to the EDA and Council. The TCCCF is a <br />nonprofit economic development loan fund. Communities that join the fund are eligible for <br />low interest loans, gap financing, and other financial incentives. The EDA and Council <br />thanked Scott Martin for coming to the meeting and suggested that the EDA and the Council <br />evaluate the materials in order and make a recommendation at the next EDA meeting on <br />whether or not to participate in the program. Springsted, the City's financial advising firm, has <br />prepared some background information on the fund. At the meeting, Staff suggested that the <br />EDA and the Council decide whether or not the City should consider becoming a member of <br />the TCCCF at this time. <br />Granger made motion, Arcand seconded to recommend that the Council consider becoming a <br />member of the TCCCF fund. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />UPDATE ON CITY PURCHASE OF CARPENTERS RESTAURANT AND THE <br />ANTIOUE STORE FROM MIKE AND CATHERINE ANDERSON <br />Mike and Catherine Anderson are still reviewing the purchase agreement that the City Council <br />approved at their September 6, 2005 meeting. City staff provided the Council and the EDA an <br />update on recent discussions with the Andersons. <br />Granger made motion, Bever seconded to recommend that the City Council give the Andersons <br />ten days to sign the proposed purchase agreement before it becomes null and void. <br />All aye. Motion Carried <br />
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