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2005.11.21 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2005 CC Minutes
2005.11.21 CC Minutes
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City Council meeting of November 21, 2005 <br />Page 6 <br />Granger made motion, Haas seconded, to forward a letter to the Anderson family stating that they will <br />have until December 2, 2005 to sign the Purchase Agreement for their property or the agreement will be <br />null and void. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />AGREEMENT WITH ATKINSON'S REGARDING ASSESSMENT FOR PELOOUIN <br />INDUSTRIAL PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PROJECT <br />After meeting a meeting with Dean and Ruby Atkinson and City officials, the City and Dean and Ruby <br />Atkinson have agreed to settle litigation with regard to their assessment for improvements in the Peloquin <br />Industrial Park. <br />Miron made motion, Puleo seconded, to accept the suggested terms of agreement and direct the City <br />Attorney to draft a Letter of Agreement between the City of Hugo and Dean and Ruby Atkinson. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />DISCUSSION ON REQUEST FOR CITY SKATE PARK <br />A petition has been submitted to the City signed by more than 150 youth and residents of the City of <br />Hugo requesting Council consider the construction of a City skate park. The petition was drafted by Pete <br />Rainer and his son Joe, who addressed Council on this issue outlining why they think such a facility is <br />needed in the community. <br />Miron made motion, Haas seconded, direct staff to forward this request to the Parks Commission, <br />including a location and cost estimates, for official City action with a recommendation back to Council at <br />a later date. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />DISCUSSION OF CONCEPT PLAN FOR STONEY RIVER DEVELOPMENT (JIM BEVER <br />PROPERTY) <br />Stoney River Development is requesting a Rural Preservation Housing Development Concept Plan <br />Review of "Enchanted Waters" consisting of 13 single-family homes on 40 -acres of property bisected by <br />132nd Street, generally east of Goodview Avenue. The homes will be constructed on the southern 20 - <br />acres of the property, and the northern 20 -acre section of the property will be preserved in its current <br />natural state. The thirteen single-family homes on .75 and 1 -acre lots will share a community septic <br />system and be accessible by a new street/temporary cul-de-sac with access provided from 132nd St. The <br />Planning Commission reviewed the concept plan at their November 10th meeting and provided comments <br />to the applicant. Council reviewed and discussed the concept plan and provided the applicant with <br />informal comments to revise the plan to 12 home sites and address additional funding to cover costs for <br />the recent blacktopping of 132nd Street. No formal action of Council was taken. <br />
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