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2005.12.19 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2005 CC Minutes
2005.12.19 CC Minutes
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City Council meeting of December 19, 2005 <br />Page 4 <br />Council discussed the petition at its December 5, 2005 City Council meeting. Since the petition <br />included a "not to exceed" amount, the Council directed staff to prepare findings of fact denying the <br />petition. Council authorized preparation of a feasibility study for the improvements, of which $7,500 <br />would be paid by Mr. Jim Kellison. In addition, the City will pay $2,500 to expand the feasibility study <br />to include a study of improvements to the road surface and the bridge over the outlet to Bald Eagle Lake. <br />After the study is complete, staff anticipates a meeting with the neighbors, and possibly a new petition <br />for improvements. Adoption of the Consent Agenda adopted Resolution 2005-67 approving the findings <br />of fact denying the petition for public improvements along 129' Street and Resolution 2005-68 ordering <br />a feasibility study for 129* Street/Ethan Avenue improvements. <br />APPROVE DNR FORESTRY GRANT FOR THE HUGO FIRE DEPARTMENT <br />Annually, the Hugo Fire Department submits a grant application to the MnDNR for a Volunteer Forestry <br />Assistance Matching Grant. The HFD received notification from the MnDNR that its grant application <br />has been awarded. These grants typically are used for fire suppression equipment to suppress wild land <br />fires. Since the City has a large amount of rural area, the City has been successful in the past in <br />receiving grants. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved acceptance of the 2006 MnDNR Forestry <br />Assistance Matching Grant, in the amount of $2,000. <br />APPROVE APPLICATION FOR CHARITABLE GAMBLING LICENSE FOR THE HUGO <br />ELEMENTARY P.T.A. <br />The City received an application from the Hugo Elementary School P.T.A. to hold a gold plate dinner on <br />January 27, 2006 at the Hugo American Legion, 5383 140'' Street, to raise funds to purchase playground <br />equipment for the new Oneka Elementary School. Staff has reviewed the application and found it to be <br />satisfactorily complete. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the charitable gambling permit for <br />the Hugo P.T.A. to hold a gold plate dinner at the Hugo American Legion on January 27, 2006. <br />APPROVE WATER RESOURCE EDUCATION WITH WASHINGTON CONSERVATION <br />DISTRICT FOR CITY'S MS4 PROGRAM <br />Mayor Fran Miron removed this matter from the Consent Agenda for Council discussion. The City <br />received a request from the Washington Conservation District for funding support for a shared Water <br />Resource Educator position. This position would assist in implementing watershed education strategies, <br />develop and implement an MS4 education plan, conduct educational events, coordinate programs, and <br />prepare an annual education report. This education training is a necessary part of the federal <br />government's NPDES permit requirements. City staff recommended Council approve City support of <br />this educational program with City participation in the amount of $1,500. Mayor Miron felt that because <br />the RCWD, Washington County Soil and Water District, and Washington County Extension Services <br />had educators on staff, that this would amount to a duplication of taxpayer funding. PW Director Chris <br />Petree suggested that this new education position would be able to "tailor make" a program for the City, <br />as well as assist his department in completing the large amount of paperwork required by the NPDES. <br />Haas made motion, Miron seconded, to table this matter to allow staff sufficient time to further research <br />Council concerns. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />
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