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City Council meeting of December 19, 2005 <br />Page 6 <br />APPROVE 2006-2010 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM <br />At its December 5, 2005 meeting, Council listened to a presentation from Finance Director Ron Otkin <br />regarding the proposed 2006-2010 CIP. Council agreed with the proposed CIP and the funding of the <br />proposed projects, which would need to be presented for formal approval by City staff in 2006. The CIP <br />includes $150,000 to fund a skate park/tennis and basketball courts for Lions Park. <br />Haas made motion, Puleo seconded, to approve the 2006-2010 CIP for the City of Hugo. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />APPROVE RESOLUTION ADOPTING 2006 CITY EMPLOYEE SALARIES <br />At its November 30, 2005 budget workshop, Council agreed with the proposed 2006 City budget and <br />recommendations for City salaries, with a target increase of 5%. Finance Director Ron Otkin and City <br />Administrator Mike Ericson have prepared the proposed 2006 City wages and salaries, which reflect an <br />overall increase of 4.83% and with a recommendation Council approve the 2006 City employee wages <br />and salaries schedule as presented. <br />Haas made motion, Petryk seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 2005-71 SETTING 2006 SALARIES <br />FOR CITY EMPLOYEES AND ESTABLISHING EMPLOYEE REIMBURSEMENT LEVELS. <br />VOTING AYE: Haas, Petryk, Puleo, Miron <br />Motion Carried. <br />DISCUSSION ON PROPOSED CITY ORDINANCE FOR GRADING PERMIT APPLICATION <br />Over the past several months, city staff has noticed an increase in the number of trucks hauling and <br />placing fill at various private property locations throughout the City. This activity has resulted in an <br />increased number of wetland impact violations, which has increased the amount of time staff has had to <br />dedicate to these types of issues. There have been several cases where landowners have filled in low <br />areas while not realizing that these areas are considered wetlands. The City, as the Local Government <br />Unit responsible for the permitting of all wetland activity, does have a process that addresses this <br />activity; however, the majority of landowners are not utilizing the process because they do not <br />understand what conditions can qualify an area as a wetland. With the current issues related to the <br />excavation, grading and hauling of fill material within the City, staff recommended that the City <br />implement an excavating and grading ordinance, including a permit form for non -development related <br />activities. This would result in a clearly defined process for the proper handling and placement of fill <br />material in the City. Having a grading ordinance and permit would allow staff to work with residents <br />proactively, and minimize problems. Mayor Miron and Council member Puleo did not favor <br />implementing a permitting process, rather educating residents and contractors of wetland regulations. <br />City Council meeting of December 19, 2005 <br />Page 7 <br />Puleo made motion, Petryk seconded, directing staff to develop more specifics on the amount of fill dirt <br />that would require a permit and prepare a draft ordinance for Council review. All aye. Motion Carried. <br />