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City Council meeting of January 20, 2004 <br />Page 2 <br />Approve Pay Request #2 from Lametti & Sons for Work Completed on the Peloquin Industrial <br />Park P.I. Project <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />APPROVAL OF CLAIMS <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the claims roster for January 20, 2004 as presented. <br />APPROVE FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR VICTOR <br />GARDENS 15T SUBDIVISION (CPDC) <br />David Hempel from Contractor Property Development Corporation (CPDC) has requested the <br />acceptance of public improvements for the Victor Gardens I' subdivision. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved the acceptance of the public improvements and maintains the letter of credit valued <br />at $230,000. <br />David Hempel from CPDC has requested a reduction in the letter of credit and the final acceptance of <br />public improvements for the Victor Gardens 2°d subdivision. Adoption of the Consent Agenda - <br />approved the final acceptance of the public improvements and reduces the letter of credit to 10 percent <br />(10%) of the total construction cost for a value at $26,276.10. <br />APPROVE PAY REQUEST #2 FROM LAMETTI & SONS FOR WORK COMPLETED ON <br />THE PELOOUIN INDUSTRIAL PARK P.I. PROJECT <br />Lametti & Sons has submitted pay request #2 for work completed to date on the Peloquin Industrial <br />Park P.I. Project. Project Manager Brian Mitchell from SEH has reviewed the pay request with Senior <br />Engineering Technician Scott Anderson and found it to be satisfactorily complete. The pay request <br />does not include or involve any of the additional work necessitated by the Change Order and the delay <br />incurred during the micro tunneling under TH61. City staff and City officials met on Tuesday, January <br />20, 2004 to review the issues and costs associated with the Change Order, which was the result of <br />metal sheeting left in the ground. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved pay request #2 m4he <br />amount of $203,558.21 for work completed by Lametti & Sons on the project. <br />AUTHORIZATION TO RECEIVE BIDS FOR PURCHASE OF TANDEM PLOW TRUCK <br />FOR THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT <br />The City's 2003-2007 Capital Improvements Program specifies the acquisition of a tandem plow truck <br />for the public works department in 2004. PW Director Chris Petree stated that staff would come back <br />to Council in February 2004 with specifications and the proposed financing for the truck, and expected <br />delivery some time in the fall 2004. <br />Granger made motion, Petryk seconded, authorizing staff to begin the development of the plans and <br />