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2004.04.05 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2004 CC Minutes
2004.04.05 CC Minutes
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City Council
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City Council meeting of April 5, 2004 <br />Page 6 <br />APPROVE RENEWAL OF COPIER LEASE WITH IKON <br />In 2001, the City entered into a Lease Agreement with Ikon Office Solutions for a Cannon <br />ImageRunner 400 Copier System. City staff evaluated proposals from a variety of vendors and <br />determined that the renewal of the lease for a 36 -month term was the best option for the City. Ikon has <br />provided excellent customer service over last three years, and the City can lower the annual cost by <br />25%. Adoption of the Consent Agenda authorized the renewal of a 36 -month lease for the <br />ImageRunner 400 copier. <br />Mayor Fran Miron arrived at 7:15 pm. <br />APPROVE CONTRACT WITH LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT TO COMPLETE RICE LAKE <br />PARK MASTER PLAN <br />At its March 10, 2004 meeting, the Parks Commission discussed the construction of the new PW <br />facility on the Rice Lake Park property. Council members Mike Granger and Frank Puleo were in <br />attendance to discuss with the Commission members, a proposal for a community room, which <br />Council had authorized as an alternate in the construction plans. After much discussion, the Parks <br />Commission agreed to support the Council's proposal for the community room and to also plan for the <br />active use of the remaining park property. The Commission agreed to recommend to Council the use <br />of landscape architect Laurie McRostie's original concept plans for the park, as well the concept plan <br />prepared by City architect Bob Russek. Council member Puleo wanted assurance that Council would <br />have input regarding this matter. <br />Miron made motion, Haas seconded, to approve the contract with Laurie McRostie at a rate of $80/hr <br />and a not -to -exceed amount of $5,600 to work with the Parks Commission and Council members Mike <br />Granger and Chuck Haas to finalize the Rice Lake Park Master Plan. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />GFOA CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT IN FINANCIAL REPORTING (RON OT <br />Finance Director Ron Otkin has, once again, achieved the highest award in his professional association <br />of municipal finance directors. Ron has been presented with the Government Finance Officers <br />Association Certificate of Achievement in Financial Reporting, and the 10th time that Ron has earned <br />this award. As Council is aware, this achievement is remarkable, since less that 1% of professionals <br />ever achieve this, and even less in municipalities smaller than 10,000 in population. Mayor Fran <br />Miron and City Council members formally presented Ron with his next plaque and publicly thanked <br />him for his excellence in municipal finance reporting. <br />PROPOSED VACATION FOR SECTION OF 146m STREET, SOUTH OF FRENCHMAN <br />ROAD (PUBLIC HEARING) <br />City staff scheduled a public hearing for Council to consider the vacation of a portion of 146m Street <br />north. This proposed vacation is consistent with Community Development Department's review of the <br />plat submitted by developer Len Pratt. Mayor Miron opened the public hearing at and there were no <br />
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