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City Council meeting of April 5, 2004 <br />Page 8 <br />Miron made motion, Petryk seconded, that the City of Hugo offer the Community Development <br />Director position to Bryan Bear. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />REPORT ON RURAL & OPEN SPACE COMMITTEE <br />An update on the work of the Rural & Open Space Committee was presented by City Planner Kendra <br />Lindahl, along with comments from Council members Chuck Haas and Frank Puleo, who are <br />committee members. The term "cluster development" will no longer be used and replaced with rural <br />preservation plat. No formal Council action was taken. <br />MOU WITH RCWD FOR LGU PERMITTING AUTHORITY FOR THE CITY <br />The City Council directed WSB & Associates to complete the necessary steps to allow the City to <br />assume LGU permitting authority. Phil Belfiori from WSB was in attendance to review the <br />recommended policies, processes, fee structure, and Council actions necessary to complete the process. <br />Miron made motion, Granger seconded, directing staff to follow the schedule of remaining steps <br />necessary to implement to allow the City of Hugo to assume LGU permitting authority. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />PUBLIC WORKS TREE TRIMMING AND BRUSHING SCHEDULE <br />The City's public works department has taken over all tree trimming and brushing operations from <br />Washington County. The public works policy for tree trimming and brushing City streets is the <br />removal of all tree limbs and branches where they cause safety issues, site line concerns, and damage <br />to City vehicles. The City's policy has been adopted in cooperation with standard forestry and <br />horticultural practices, whereby the trees are specifically trimmed so as not to damage them. Council <br />member Becky Petryk requested this item be placed on the agenda after City staff received a complaint <br />from a resident on 12e Street regarding the tree trimming of a tree on his property. This resident's <br />concern has been addressed, but staff still wanted an opportunity to share with Council the specific <br />method of notification of residents, which is through the City Newsletter, City's website, personal <br />notification, whether in person or by paper flyer. PW Director Chris Petree was present to answer <br />Council questions and explain their tree trimming process. Council stressed the need to keep residents <br />informed when they will be trimming in their neighborhoods. No formal Council was taken. <br />REQUEST FOR SIGNAGE FOR LOOSE DOGS IN WOODS OF BALD EAGLE <br />TOWNHOMES) <br />Council member Becky Petryk requested that this issue be placed on the agenda for discussion by <br />Council. Becky was contacted by a resident, who complained about dogs running loose in the Woods <br />of Bald Eagle townhome project, and using the water tower park as a "dumping station". <br />Miron made motion, Granger seconded, directing staff to review the City's dog ordinance and report <br />