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2004.04.19 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2004 CC Minutes
2004.04.19 CC Minutes
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City Council meeting of April 19, 2004 <br />Page 3 <br />APPROVE EMPLOYMENT OFFER TO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR <br />BRYAN BEAR) <br />At its April 5, 2004 meeting, Council directed staff the City Administrator to negotiate an agreement <br />with Bryan Bear and hire him as the new CD Director. Consistent with the City's personnel policy and <br />the employee salary matrix, City staff was successful in negotiating an employment agreement to hire <br />Bryan Bear, who would begin employment on May 3, 2004. Bryan would be subject to the standard <br />preemployment physical examination, as well as the six-month probationary period. City staff <br />recommends Council approve the employment offer and officially appoint Bryan Bear as the new CD <br />Director for the City of Hugo. <br />APPROVE APPLICATION FOR WATER SURFACE PERMIT ON SUNSET LAKE (DAVE <br />STRUM <br />On behalf of the Sunset Lake Ski Club, Dave Strub has submitted an application for approval of the <br />water ski slalom course. Staff has reviewed the application and found it to be satisfactorily completed. <br />City staff recommends Council approve the water ski slalom course application for Sunset Lake. <br />APPROVE VARIANCE REQUEST FOR ACCESSORY BUILDING AT 14880 FRANCESCA <br />AVENUE NORTH (RICHARD MIREAULT) <br />Richard Mireault applied for a variance to construct a 672 square foot accessory building where 260 <br />square feet is the maximum allowed by ordinance and a variance for a 10 foot setback where 25 feet is <br />required by ordinance. The Board of Zoning considered the application at its meeting on April 8, 2004 <br />and recommended approval of both variances. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the variance <br />for Richard Mireault to construct a 672 square foot accessory building ten feet from the property line <br />on his property at 14880 Francesca Avenue North. <br />APPROVE BEER LICENSE FOR DEAD BROKE SADDLE CLUB <br />City staff received an application from the Dead Broke Saddle Club for a temporary beer license, <br />which would allow the club to sell 3.2 beer during its rodeo activities. City staff reviewed the <br />application and found it to be satisfactory and complete. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved <br />the temporary beer license for the Dead Broke Saddle Club to sell 3.2 beer during its rodeo activities, <br />subject to rec1t of appropriate certificate of insurance for liquor liability. <br />APPROVE AWARD OF BID FOR WATER SYSTEM FOR NEW PW FACILITY <br />At its April 5, 2004 meeting, Council removed from the award of bid for the new public works facility <br />the water system to allow City staff to meet with a local well drilling contractor, who had previously <br />drilled the original well on the Rice Lake Park property. Staff reviewed the feasibility and determined <br />that the location of the existing well would not permit the proper installation of a well on the site, since <br />it would involve over 825 ft of water line. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the award of bid <br />for the new water system to Ingleside Engineering with a low bid of $19,300. <br />
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