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2004.04.19 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2004 CC Minutes
2004.04.19 CC Minutes
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City Council meeting of April 14, 2004 <br />Page 6 <br />place this issue on the next Parks Commission agenda for a recommendation on the use of the <br />property. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />PROPOSED CHANGE ORDER FOR COMMUNITY ROOM ON PW FACILITY <br />On Tuesday, April 13, 2004, the PW Building Committee met with City architect Bob Russek from <br />Elsness Swenson and Graham (ESG) and general contractor, Jack Parkos from Parkos Construction, to <br />discuss the community room, which had been approved by Council as Alternate #2 in March 2004. <br />Council member Mike Granger shared his support for a reconfiguration of the community room to <br />allow for a more user-friendly design, complete with a relocation of the exterior door, which would be <br />the main entrance into the community room from the east. Bob proposed a new room layout, which <br />would involve the relocation of the mechanical room and bathroom facilities to allow for the location <br />of a small kitchen with cabinets for storage. Jack Parkos is working on a cost estimate for the Change <br />Order to the community room for submission to Council. <br />Puleo made motion, Haas seconded, to approve the Change Order for the new configuration to the <br />community room, and provide cost estimate for the Change Order to Council for approval. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />APPROVAL FROM MNDOT FOR A RAILROAD CROSSING ON CSAH 8 AT TH61 <br />Staff received official notification from the MnDOT that approval has been granted for a railroad <br />crossing on CR8 at TH61. The order, signed by Deputy Commissioner Doug Differt, spells out that <br />the City/county can establish a new roadway grade crossing on the new CR8, subject to conditions. <br />Assistant City Attorney Laura Domagala provided a brief recap and explanation of the order by <br />MnDOT. No formal City Council action was taken. <br />WASHINGTON COUNTY ASSESSOR PROPOSAL <br />At its April 5, 2004 meeting, Council listened to a short briefing from City Administrator Mike <br />Ericson regarding Washington County's interest in providing county -wide assessing services. This <br />was an informational item only, and Council agreed that it would be discussed at a later date. The City <br />Administrator'& -et with local assessor Frank Langer since that time, and suggested Council provide <br />direction to staff regarding local control for City assessing services. <br />Miron made motion, Haas seconded, directing staff to send the draft letter to Washington County <br />outlining support to retain Frank Langer as the City's assessor. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />MCES SEWER CAPACITY UPDATE <br />Council member Haas requested this item be added to the agenda for discussion. City Administrator <br />
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