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City Council meeting of May 3, 2004 <br />Page 3 <br />APPROVE EXTENSION OF LOT HOLD AGREEMENT W/JIM FAULKNER FOR LOT IN <br />BEIP 5" ADDITION <br />In January 2004, Council agreed to a Lot Hold Agreement with Jim Faulkner for Lot 1, Block 1, in the <br />BEIP 5d' Addition. Staff has been working with Jim to schedule a meeting with representatives from a <br />local community college, who are interested in a location in Hugo. That meeting was held on May 3, <br />2004. AdVion of the Consent Agenda approved an extension to August 1, 2004 for Lot 1, Block 1, in <br />the BEIP 5 Addition. <br />APPROVE PUD AMENDMENT FOR VICTOR GARDENS COMMUNITY POOL <br />The applicant is seeking approval of an amendment to the Victor Gardens PUD plans to include a <br />community activity center with a pool on Outlot B of the 2nd Addition. Victor Gardens was designed to <br />be a Traditional Neighborhood Development (TND), which - among other things - emphasizes public <br />spaces and pedestrian—friendly street design. This community activity center with pool would be one of <br />the public spaces that define this development. No significant deviation from the original PUD design <br />standards has been proposed for this facility. The facility will be maintained and governed by the Victor <br />Gardens Homeowner's Association. The Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend <br />approval. Adoption of the Consent Agenda adopted Resolution 2004-19 approving the PUD amendment <br />to allow the community pool at Victor Gardens. <br />APPROVAL OF ON -SALE 3.2 BEER LICENSES FOR EMBAJADORA LATINA (HISPANIC <br />RODEO) <br />On behalf of Embajadom Latina, Carmen Guzman made application to the City for on -sale 3.2 beer <br />licenses, which will be used for the Hispanic Rodeos to be held on May 30, 2004 and September 5, <br />2004, at Woodloch. City staff reviewed the applications, along with the liquor liability insurance, and <br />found them be satisfactorily complete. Council member Puleo questioned whether the parking problems <br />experienced at last year's rodeo had been addressed and City Administrator Mike Ericson stated that <br />they had been resolved. <br />Puleo made motion, Haas seconded, to issue the on -sale 3.2 beer licenses for Carmen Guzman for the <br />Embajadora Latina Hispanic Rodeo to be held on May 30, 2004 and September 5, 2004 at Woodloch. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />APPROVE CHANGE ORDER FROM STEVENS ENGINEERING FOR NEW PARKING LOT <br />DESIGN FOR PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING <br />On Wednesday, April 21, 2004, Council members Mike Granger and Chuck Haas met with PW Director <br />Chris Petree and landscape consultant Laurie McRostie to go over the plans for the new Master Concept <br />Plan for the Rice Lake Park property. Included in the plans will be a revision of the parking lot to better <br />accommodate the parking lot surrounding the community room previously approved by Council. The <br />sub -committee recommended that Stevens Engineering, the civil engineer on the public works facility <br />project, complete a parking lot revision to allow for increased parking and storm water runoff. City staff <br />