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2004.05.10 CC Minutes - Downtown Redevelopment Open House
City Council
City Council Minutes
2004 CC Minutes
2004.05.10 CC Minutes - Downtown Redevelopment Open House
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MINUTES FOR THE DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT OPEN HOUSE OF MAY 10, <br />2004 <br />PRESENT: Haas, Puleo, Miron <br />City Administrator Mike Ericson <br />CD Director Bryan Bear <br />ABSENT: Mike Granger and Becky Petryk <br />Over 80 persons came to City Hall to review the downtown planning studies and talk with the <br />City staff and consultants. About 15% of those filled out comment sheets or left detailed notes <br />for the planning team. Nearly all of the major business owners and commercial property <br />owners, as well as many of the residential property owners in the proposed downtown <br />redevelopment area, attended the open house. Many of those attending have been following the <br />planning process for some time and were able to offer very clear, and often very specific, <br />comments on the downtown plan alternatives and the design guidelines examples. Everyone <br />seemed to appreciate the opportunityto "vote" with the dot-mocracy process, to talk to the <br />planning and design team, and just to be heard. <br />There was widespread support expressed for: <br />• retaining small town feeling and historic character; <br />• a city park on Egg Lake across from City Hall; <br />• trails from this park along Egg Lake connecting to other local and regional trails; <br />• more small, local retail and commercial uses, fewer chains, no "big boxes"; <br />• senior housing downtown, close to City Hall and the new development; <br />• specialty market -grocer which wouldn't directly compete with Nadeau's convenience <br />market; <br />• larger grocery stores or other "big box" uses being closer to I-35; <br />• planning for the Feed Mill to stay, and expand, in their current location; <br />• keeping new commercial development north of CR 8, supporting the existing downtown <br />uses; <br />• planning for new multi -family housing, not retail or commercial, south of new CR 8; <br />• need for retaining access from Hwy 61 at 145'h or 146'h, with 145'h preferred; <br />• need for a new traffic light at 147' and Hwy 61. <br />There were concerns expressed about: <br />• the new County Road 8 route — concerns that the new "T" intersection will produce traffic <br />problems or not be much of an improvement over the existing route; <br />• reduction of access to downtown commercial properties along both CR 8 and Hwy 61; <br />• removal of the 145h and Hwy 61 traffic light or intersection; <br />• too much new development which could detract from the character of downtown, produce <br />more traffic problems, and negatively impact existing downtown businesses and residents. <br />Kendra Lindahl <br />City Planner <br />
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