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2004.05.20 CC Minutes - I-35 W/E Coalition
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City Council Minutes
2004 CC Minutes
2004.05.20 CC Minutes - I-35 W/E Coalition
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MINUTES FOR THE TRI -CITIES COALITION MEETING HELD ON MAY 20, 2004 <br />Tri -Cities Coalition members gathered at 6:00 pm for a barbecue dinner. There were a total of 26 <br />members and staff in attendance. <br />Mayor Fran Miron called the Tri -Cities Coalition to order at 6:30 pm. He thanked Mark Matuska <br />from Congressman Mark Kennedy's office for attending. Members introduced themselves, and they <br />included a new member from Columbus Township, Supervisor Renae Fry, who was sitting in for Mel <br />Mettler. <br />PRESENT: Granger, Petryk, Miron <br />City Administrator Mike Ericson, CD Director Bryan Bear, and Administrative Intern Tom Denaway <br />SEE ATTACHED SIGNUP SHEET <br />ABSENT: Haas and Puleo <br />Hugo City Administrator Mike Ericson reported that the Tri -Cities Steering Committee had met three <br />times since the last full Coalition meeting held in December 2003. The goals and objectives were to <br />develop a Mission Statement, work program and Joint Powers Agreement. The Mission Statement <br />contained in the JPA was accepted as presented. <br />APPROVE JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT <br />The JPA was accepted as presented, and the City of Hugo will send out a letter to the seven members <br />requesting official council or board action and signatures on a signatory page. <br />REVIEW DRAFT WORK PROGRAM <br />Anoka County Engineer Doug Fischer reported that the 1-35 IRC is studying CSAH 14 between the 1- <br />35's. Lance Bernard from Anoka County presented color -coded maps of the Coalition Study area. It <br />provided both a land usage and transportation plan of the area. Lance stated that the maps are "good <br />tools to analyze the future of the Coalition Study Area". Doug stated that SRF is the consultant doing <br />work for both Anoka County and MnDOT. The I-35 IRC will be studying the area from I-694 to <br />Hinckley. <br />PROPOSED COALTION NAME CHANGE <br />Mike Ericson reported that the Steering Committee had discussed a new name for the Coalition to <br />better reflect the membership of four cities, two counties, and a township. The NE 35 Coalition was <br />suggested. Members then discussed that name and other suggestions, such as NE Metro I-35, 35 NE <br />Coalition, and finally, I-35 W/E Coalition. Members agreed with I-35 W/E Coalition and it will be <br />reflected in the new JPA. <br />NEW BUSINESS <br />Rick Arnebeck from MnDOT reported that the CSAH 14 bridge at 1-35E is a need and High Priority <br />Program (HPP). Funding is tied up until 2013. The next meeting of the 1-35 WE Coalition was <br />scheduled for September 23, 2004, at 7:00 pm, Hugo City Hall. <br />
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