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2004.06.21 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2004 CC Minutes
2004.06.21 CC Minutes
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City Council meeting of June 21, 2004 <br />Page 2 <br />Approve Pay Request #2 from Parkos Construction for Work Completed on the PW Facility <br />Authorize to Receive Bids to Demolish Water Tower #1 <br />Authorize to Seal Well #1 and Demolish Pump House <br />Approve Resignation of Jeff Wenzel from the Hugo Fire Department <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />APPROVAL OF CLAIMS <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the claims roster for June 21, 2004 as presented. <br />AWARD BID TO CLEAN SOUTH WATER TOWER (#2 TOWER) <br />Public Works Director Chris Petree solicited bids to power wash and clean the south water tower, water <br />tower #2. The tower was last cleaned in 1999, and because of its design, it necessitates a regular <br />cleaning due to the mold and mildew collecting on the lower half of the bowl. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda awarded the contract to Tight Rope in the low bid amount of $2,950. <br />APPROVE JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT WITH I-35 W/E COALITION <br />At the May 20, 2004 Tri -Cities Coalition meeting, members of the Hugo City Council agreed with <br />Coalition members to the name change for the Coalition, which will now be known as the I-35 W/E <br />Coalition and the proposed Joint Powers Agreement, which will provide a formal agreement between <br />the four cities, two counties, and one township. Coalition members agreed to present a finalized draft of <br />the JPA to each respective governing council or board, in order to seek approval. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda approved the Joint Powers Agreement. <br />APPROVE FINAL PLAT AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR BEAVER PONDS <br />SOUTH <br />At its April 5, 2004 meeting, Council approved a preliminary plat for 43 homes on this 20 -acre site. <br />John Peterson from Oakwood Development is now requesting final plat approval for the 43 -single <br />family lots and the development agreement. Two changes have been made to the plans. The most <br />significant change is the result of a redesign of the street in the northeast corner of the site. Staff and <br />Council noted a number of concerns about the initial street design, specifically, the design speed. In <br />response to these comments, the applicant revised the plans to create a cul-de-sac in the northeast corner <br />without losing any lots. The applicant revised the plans to include a parking lot within the City park. <br />The preliminary plat approval indicated that the developer would be responsible for the construction of <br />the parking area, but that the City would reimburse the developer for the cost of bituminous and curbing. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda adopted Resolution 2004-44 approving the final plat and development <br />agreement with Oakwood Development for Beaver Ponds South. <br />APPROVE VARIANCE REQUEST FOR LOCATION OF ACCESSORY BUILDING <br />(MACCORMACIQ <br />Robert and Sherrylee MacCormick, 9514 122nd Street North, applied for a variance to allow two <br />existing accessory buildings to be located closer to the road than the principal structure. The applicant <br />
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