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2004.06.28 CC Minutes - Joint PC on Downtown Redevelopment
City Council
City Council Minutes
2004 CC Minutes
2004.06.28 CC Minutes - Joint PC on Downtown Redevelopment
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City Council
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MINUTES FOR THE COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION DOWNTOWN <br />REDEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP HELD ON JUNE 28, 2004 <br />Mayor Fran Miron called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Mayor Miron stated he was pleased that <br />the Planning Commission could attend this important meeting. <br />PRESENT COUNCIL: Granger, Haas, Petryk, Puleo, Miron <br />PRESENT PC: Schumann, Malaski, Bailly, Rosenquist, <br />OTHERS: City Administrator Mike Ericson; CD Director Bryan Bear; City Engineer Jay Kennedy; <br />Chuck Rickert from WSB; and City Planners Kendra Lindahl and Carolyn Krall from Landform <br />TRANSPORTATION PLAN (CSAR 8 IMPACT AND ISSUES) <br />City Engineer Jay Kennedy addressed the joint City Council/Planning Commission members with an <br />overview on the framework of the CSAH 8 Transportation Plan, including the intersection with TH61. <br />He reviewed planned traffic signal intersections, downtown City street connections, and the need for <br />street design standards. Council requested a stronger connection on 147h Street to Oneka Parkway, a <br />meeting with the Everton/Elmcrest neighbors regarding a street connection to Everton Avenue from <br />Waters Edge, and a meeting with Wagner Greenhouse to better understand their current and future <br />plans. Council directed City staff to have another meeting with MnDOT to discuss the overall plan <br />and the light at 145'' Street at TH61. <br />Miron made motion, Granger seconded, to accept the proposed transportation plan, subject to the three <br />issues discussed. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Jay discussed the need for a feasibility study to incorporate all these issues. <br />Haas made motion, Granger seconded, directing the City Engineer to prepare a proposal for a <br />feasibility study and bring it back to Council. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />DOWNTOWN PLAN (REVIEW OF COMMUNITY INPUT) <br />Carolyn Krall from Landform presented Council and the Planning Commission with a review of the <br />involvement of the residents and business community and the number of meetings held since February <br />2004. The Power Point presentation provided members the proposed land uses with suggestions <br />offered by residents and business owners. Carolyn also reviewed the three alternative downtown plans <br />and staffs recommended plan, which is a hybrid of the three. CD Director Bryan Bear summarized <br />the issues presented to Council and the PC. He stated that transportation planning is the biggest issue. <br />There was general consensus from Council and Commission on the downtown plan presented. <br />Council agreed with the general framework and indicated a preference that the design standards and <br />market study would not be completed by a consultant. Staff will receive notification in August 2004 <br />from Met Council on the Livable Communities Grant, which would be used to fund this work. After <br />the Livable Communities Grants are award, staff will bring back, as a discussion item, a Scope of <br />Work for design standards and market study. Council member Haas requested that any future <br />planning would recognize and identify the site limitations between TH61 and Egg Lake. <br />
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