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2004.08.02 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2004 CC Minutes
2004.08.02 CC Minutes
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City Council meeting of August 2, 2004 <br />Page 3 <br />deck within the drainage and utility easement on Lot 4, Block 5, Creekview Preserve. The applicant is <br />requesting to construct a 22' X 34' deck that would encroach approximately 4 feet into the easement. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the Encroachment Agreement for Lawrence W. Bain to construct <br />a deck at 5365 157"' Street. <br />APPROVE CUP FOR HOME OCCUPATION (PALECEK) <br />John and Marie Palecek, 12506 Irish Avenue North, have applied for a Conditional Use Permit to <br />operate a home occupation business out of a 1,350_square foot accessory building. The applicant <br />currently runs a business on the site called Smilie's Sewer Service. The applicant is requesting a <br />Conditional Use Permit to allow an accessory building to be used for the storage of portable toilets the <br />applicant leases out as part of his business. Adoption of the Consent Agenda adopted Resolution 2004- <br />57 approving the Conditional Use Permit for 12506 Irish Avenue North. <br />APPROVE SITE PLAN FOR MANOMIN RESAWN TIMBERS FOR PROPERTY LOCATED <br />IN THE PELOOUIN INDUSTRIAL PARK. <br />Sarah Londerville from Manomin Resawn Timbers has applied for site plan approval for an existing <br />building located in the Peloquin Industrial Park at 15152 Freeland Avenue North. Manomin Resawn <br />Timbers is currently located in Forest Lake and would like to move the business to the Industrial Park. <br />Improvements include installation of fencing, drainage swale, paving, and seeding of the remaining site. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda adopted Resolution 2004-58 approving the site plan for Manomin <br />Resawn Timbers for an existing building at 15152 Freeland Avenue North. <br />APPROVE CUP FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A WINDMILL GENERATOR (JOHNSON) <br />Greg Johnson, 7310 132nd Street North, applied for a conditional use permit to allow for the construction <br />of a 100 -foot high wind -powered generator. The generator consists of an 80 -foot high metal lattice <br />tower, a 4 -foot alternator, and 3 blades, each measuring 15 feet long. The structure is located near the <br />center of a 21.5 acre tract of land, and will be approximately 350 feet from an adjacent property line. <br />The Planning Commission considered this application at a public hearing and heard from one <br />neighboring property owner, who had concerns about the appearance of the structure. The Commission <br />concluded that the structure complied with the requirements outlined in the Land Use Regulations, and <br />unanimously recommended approval of the application with the understanding that the structure will be <br />painted gray. This matter was considered and tabled at the Council meeting of July 19, 2004, as the <br />applicant was not present. Remaining issues to be discussed include whether to design the tower as a <br />monopole; whether design modifications can be made to reduce the number of birds that may fly into the <br />tower; federal or state regulations regarding wind powered generators; and whether ordinance revisions <br />are necessary to reflect the Council's current views on wind -powered generators. Sean Young, <br />representing Innovative Power Systems, was present to explain the generator and answer Council <br />questions related to protection of birds and style of poles. <br />Haas made motion, Miron seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 2004-59 APPROVING A CUP FOR A <br />WIND POWERED GENERATOR AT 7310 132ND STREET. <br />Granger made motion, Haas seconded, that the wind generator be maintained in good repair and allow <br />
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