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City Council meeting of August 4, 2004 <br />Page 2 <br />indicated that the Ramsey County Parks Commission has turned down their request to <br />locate tanks there. MCES is looking for a willing seller of property. Granger felt that the <br />Ramsey County site should be pursued further. <br />State Rep. Ray Vandeveer asked why the necessary sewer improvements were not going <br />to be in place by 2005, as was committed to during the approval of Forest Lake's <br />Comprehensive Plan. MCES representatives indicated that they hadn't fully understood <br />the full scope of the necessary improvements at that time. Once the full system was <br />analyzed, the Met Council approved the current systems improvement plan and schedule. <br />Council member Puleo expressed reservations about locating the tanks in Hugo. <br />Council member Haas requested a commitment from MCES as to the scope and timing of <br />the project. <br />Council member Petryk requested additional information about flows in the Centerville <br />and Forest Lake lines that would specifically describe why the tanks cannot be built north <br />of the lift station on CSAH 8. <br />Mayor Miron expressed a concern about tax implications. Since the Met Council is tax <br />exempt, any purchase of land by the Met Council will result in the loss of tax revenue to <br />the City of Hugo. The Mayor encouraged MCES to enter into a lease agreement rather <br />than an outright purchase of property, so that taxes will continue to be paid on the <br />property. MCES representatives expressed a willingness to work with the City to ensure <br />that there is no loss of tax revenue. <br />The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 <br />Minutes compiled by Bryan Bear. <br />