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City Council meeting of September 20, 2004 <br />Page 2 <br />EMERGENCY MEDICAL TRAINING (EMT) CERTIFICATES (HFI) FIREFIGHTERS) <br />Upon the satisfactory completion of the EMT training, and with the recommendation of Fire Chief Jim <br />Compton, Jim presented EMT Training Certificates to six Hugo firefighters, who have successfully <br />completed EMT training: Pat Dunn; Tony Bronk; Mark Koll; Todd Jones; Tim Lorinser; and Don <br />Wolkerstorfer. Mayor Fran Miron publicly recognized and thanked each of the firefighters and their <br />successful EMT training. <br />MAHTOMEDI SCHOOL DISTRICT #832 OPERATING LEVY (MARK WOLAK) <br />Superintendent Mark Wolak requested an opportunity to address Council seeking its support for ISD <br />832's referendum for a $1 million operating levy. Yes For Kids Committee is a grassroots organization, <br />which is promoting the referendum, and the group is seeking public support for the levy. Superintendent <br />Wolak provided a Power Point presentation outlining the school district's budget and finances. Mayor <br />Miron offered the City's cooperation in getting information out to City residents living in the Mahtomedi <br />school district. <br />APPOINTMENT OF EDA COMMISSIONERS <br />At its specially -called meeting on Monday, September 13, 2004, Council interviewed 11 of the 13 <br />applicants for the EDA commissioner positions. Two applicants withdrew the day of the interviews. <br />After discussion, Council publicly announced the following as the five citizen -at -large members of the <br />EDA: Jim Bever; Phil Kline; Theresa Charpentier; Nick Skarich; and Janice Arcand. <br />Granger made motion, Puleo seconded, appointing Jim Bever; Phil Kline; Theresa Charpentier; Nick <br />Skarich; and Janice Arcand as citizen -at -large members of the EDA. <br />DISTRICT 52B CANDIDATE MATT DEAN <br />Mr. Dean presented himself to the Mayor and Council expressing his desire to work for the City should he <br />be elected as District 52B representative. <br />CONSENT AGENDA <br />Miron made motion, Puleo seconded, to approve the following Consent Agenda: <br />Approval of Claims <br />Approve Encroachment Agreement for Deck at 5425 134"' Street North (Mark Sianko) <br />Approve Final Plat and Development Agreement for Heritage Ponds <br />Approve Minor Subdivision for Pipeline Tract (Pulte Homes) <br />Approve Denial of Variances for Three Driveways in Oneka Ponds (Graphic Homes) <br />Approve Reduction in Letter of Credit for Beaver Ponds South <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />