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MINUTES FOR THE I-35 W/E COALITION MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 23.2004 <br />Mayor Fran Miron called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. <br />Present: Miron and City Administrator Ericson representing the City of Hugo <br />- See attached sign up sheet for complete listing. <br />I-35 CORRIDOR STUDY UPDATE (RICK ARNEBECK, MNDOT) <br />Rick Amebeck from MNDOT provided attendees with an update on the work completed thus <br />far, by SRF on the I-35 Corridor Study. Initial studies indicate northbound weekend traffic is <br />worse than southbound weekday traffic. He stated that of the accidents occurring north of the I- <br />35 E/W split 52%, were caused by alcohol and 18% were the result of speed. He noted that the <br />I-35 & CSAH 97 interchange is scheduled to be rebuilt by Washington County in 2007. <br />FEDERAL FUNDING FOR ENGINEERING DESIGN OF I-35E/CSAH 14 <br />Anoka County Engineer Doug Fisher reported that a Federal Funding application has been <br />submitted by Congressman Mark Kennedy on behalf of Anoka County and County <br />Commissioner Rhonda Sivarajah. It included $1 million for design and engineering of a new <br />interchange at I-35 E & CSAH 14. He stated that supporting resolutions from I-35 W/E <br />Coalition members should be submitted by January 1, 2005 to Congressman Kennedy's Office. <br />CITY/COUNTY UPDATE <br />Representatives from the Cities, Counties, and Townships provided community updates. <br />Highlights included a proposed $30 million Harness Track proposed in Columbus Township. <br />NEW BUSINESS <br />Hugo City Administrator Mike Ericson reminded everyone that he is still collecting fully <br />executed and signed copies of the joint powers agreement. He stated that Bob Benke from the <br />consulting firm of Community Resource Partnerships volunteered to attend the next meeting to <br />talk about the success of the I -35W Corridor Coalition. Members agreed and Mike was <br />instructed to invite Mr. Benke to the next meeting on January 20, 2005. <br />ADJOURNMENT <br />Mayor Miron adjourned the meeting at 8:30 pm. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Mike Ericson <br />Hugo City Administrator <br />