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City Council meeting of December 6, 2004 <br />Page 2 <br />Approve Noran MS 150 Bike Tour through Hugo on June 12, 2005 <br />Approve Resolution Approving Liquor, Tobacco, and Games Licenses for 2005 <br />Approve December 13, 2004 Meeting with HBA at Hugo American Legion <br />Approve Grant from MnDNR for Hugo Fire Department <br />Approve Reduction in Letter of Credit for Northern Pines (Masterpiece Homes) <br />Approve Resolution Authorizing Washington County to Install No Parking Signs on 130d' Street, <br />North of Long Lake <br />Approve Support Letter for City Assessor to Gary Kriesel (County Commissioner -Elect) <br />APPROVAL OF CLAIMS <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the claims roster for December 6, 2004 as presented. <br />APPROVE NORAN MS 150 BIKE TOUR THROUGH HUGO ON JUNE 12.2005 <br />The City received an application from officials from the Noran MS 150 Bike Tour, which will hold its <br />annual bicycle tour on June 12, 2005. The event is a fundraiser with proceeds going to finding a cure for <br />multiple sclerosis. The Washington County Parks Department has already given approval for the event, <br />which will be held on a portion of the Hardwood Creek Trail. Adoption of the Consent Agenda <br />authorized and approved the Noran MS 150 Bike Tour through Hugo on June 12, 2005. <br />APPROVE RESOLUTION APPROVING LIQUOR. TOBACCO, AND GAMES LICENSES <br />FOR 2005 <br />Annually, City staff sends out renewal notices to businesses that require liquor, tobacco, and games <br />licenses. City staff has received renewal applications from all current businesses requiring licenses for <br />2005. After thorough review of necessary licensing requirements, including liquor liability insurance, <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda adopted Resolution 2004-84 approving all liquor, tobacco, and games <br />licenses for 2005, subject to receipt of all the necessary documentation and related fees. <br />APPROVE DECEMBER 13.2004 MEETING WITH HBA AT AMERICAN LEGION <br />Hugo Business Association president, Katie Riopel, requests City Council attendance at the first annual <br />holiday meeting the Hugo American Legion. City staff requests that Council post this meeting as a <br />public meeting in order to allow attendance. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved December 13, <br />2004 as a public meeting in order to allow Council attendance at the HBA holiday meeting at the Hugo <br />American Legion. <br />APPROVE GRANT FROM MNDNR FOR HUGO FIRE DEPARTMENT <br />Annually, the Hugo Fire Department submits a grant application to the MnDNR for a Volunteer Forestry <br />Assistance Matching Grant. The HFD received notification from the MnDNR that its grant application <br />has been awarded. These grants typically are used for fire suppression equipment to suppress wild land <br />fires. Since the City has a large amount of rural area, the City has been successful in the past in <br />receiving grants. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved acceptance of the 2005 MnDNR Forestry <br />Assistance Matching Grant, in the amount of $2,000. <br />