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2003.02.10 CC Minutes - Workshop
City Council
City Council Minutes
2003 CC Minutes
2003.02.10 CC Minutes - Workshop
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City Council
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Work Session
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MINUTES FOR THE CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP OF FEBRUARY 10, 2003 <br />Mayor Fran Miron-called the meeting to order at 9:00 am. <br />PRESENT: Granger, Haas, Petryk, Puleo, Miron <br />City Administrator Mike Ericson <br />CD Director John Rask <br />City Engineer Dave .Mitchell <br />Planning Commissioners: Dave Schumann, Bob Rosenquist <br />Financial Advisor from Springsted, Inc.: Mikalea Huot <br />Members of the Hugo Business Association and Residents <br />CSAH 8/14 REALIGNMENT PROJECT UPDATE <br />Chris Manthey, Don Theisen, and Sandy Cullen from Washington County presented the latest update <br />of the project. There are still the three routes identified as realignment options: 147x' Street; 145* <br />Street; and 142nd Street. After the update, Council members asked questions. Council member Frank <br />Puleo and PC Chair Dave Schumann asked whether the CSAH 8/14 PMT and looked at a fourth route <br />of one-way traffic on 147* Street. The answer was yes, but it is not a good transportation solution <br />according to the engineers. Chris shared with everyone the latest EA/EAW public meeting schedule. <br />CSAR 8/14 REALIGNMENT FINANCING <br />CD Director John Rask spoke about a variety of financing options for the project and specifically, <br />identified tax abatement as a new option. Mikalea Huot from Springsted explained tax abatement in <br />more detail and questions were asked and answered. <br />REGIONAL STORMWATER ISSUES <br />CD Director John Rask explained that the CSAH 8/14 PMT has been discussing the need for <br />stonnwater pond on the project. The Hugo City Council has been supportive of Regional Stormwater <br />Planning and John suggested it be used for this project. Council agreed and the team will continue to <br />explore Regional Stormwater Planning. <br />DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT (KIRSTEN BARSNESQ <br />Kirsten Barsness from Barsness Consulting, who is an independent economic development consultant, <br />explained the three routes and their impacts on the downtown area She approached her analysis from <br />a three viewpoint approach: 1) community identify component; 2) marketability— how can City <br />maximize benefit investment; and 3) economic. She stated the pros and cons of each alignment, <br />including information contained in the matrix analysis. The best route, from her professional <br />perspective, would be the lVd/143'd route because it would provide for the least costly and best reuse <br />and redevelopment of land on both sides of the county road. It would also route traffic through the 5 - <br />block section of downtown that they would otherwise not drive through if the 147* route were <br />selected. After many questions, the Council agree to schedule a neighborhood meeting with residents <br />along 145*/lOb Street to discuss land use issues. This issue will be discussed at the 2/18/03 meeting. <br />
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