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MINUTES FOR THE TRI -CITIES COALITION MEETING OF MARCH 20, 2003 <br />Mayor Fran Miron called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Mayor Miron welcomed everyone to the <br />meeting, and each person around the tables introduced themselves. <br />PRESENT (City of Hugo): Council members Mike Granger, Chuck Haas, Frank Puleo, Mayor Fran <br />Miron, CD Director John Rask, and City Administrator Michael Ericson <br />ABSENT: Council member Becky Petryk <br />PRESENT (City of Centerville): Council members Mary Capra, Jeff Paar, Linda Broussard Vickers, <br />Tom Lee, Mayor Terry Sweeney, and City Administrator Kim Moore Sykes <br />PRESENT (City of Lino Lakes): City Administrator Linda Waite Smith, Council members Donna <br />Carlson, Jeffrey O'Donnell, and Mayor John Bergeson, CD Director Mike Grochala, Planner Jeff <br />Smyser, and City Engineer Jim Studenski <br />OTHERS PRESENT: State Representative Ray Vandeveer, State Representative Rebecca Otto; State <br />Senator Michele Bachmann; Columbus Township Manager Elizabeth Mursko; Anoka County <br />Commissioner Rhonda Sivarajah; Anoka County Transportation Manager Kate Garwood; Todd <br />Sherman, MnDOT, for Rick Arnebeck; Washington County Project Manager Chris Manthey; SEH <br />Engineer Glen Van Wormer; and interested citizens. <br />CSAH 8/14 IMPROVEMENT PROJECT <br />Chris Manthey from Washington County explained the history and progress of the project to date. The <br />primary reason for the 4 -lane road is the significant increase in traffic volumes and projected volumes <br />in the future. The project will be funded by the City of Hugo, the City of Lino Lakes, Anoka County, <br />Washington County, and $4 million in federal funds. A formal public hearing will be held on <br />Tuesday, March 25, 2003 and conducted by Washington County. The City of Hugo will make its <br />recommendation on an alignment at its regularly scheduled May 5, 2003 Council meeting. <br />I -35E AND CSAH 14 INTERCHANGEIHUGO HPP FEDERAL FUNDING APPLICATION <br />Hugo City Administrator Mike Ericson reported that the City of Hugo was encouraged by <br />Congressman Mark Kennedy to apply for the "High Priority Project" federal funds for interchange <br />improvements. At its March 3, 2003 meeting, the Hugo City Council listened to Anoka County <br />Engineer Doug Fischer as he explained that the county had already made its HPP funding application <br />for another project. The Council agreed to respect the County Board's decision with the <br />understanding that the I-35E/CSAH 14 interchange is included in Anoka County's 5 -year CIP. <br />REVIEW OF SEPTEMBER 12.2002 MEETING INFORMATION <br />Hugo City Administrator Mike Ericson noted that the meeting minutes for the second tri -cities <br />coalition meeting were included in the agenda packet for review. The meeting minutes had already <br />been distributed after the September 12, 2002 meeting. <br />I -35E CORRIDOR COALITION <br />Hugo City Administrator Mike Ericson introduced Glen Van Wormer, senior transportation engineer <br />with SEH Engineers. Glen was the primary speaker at the September 12, 2002 meeting, where he <br />