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City Council meeting of April 7, 2003 <br />Page 7 <br />proposed development. After discussing the proposed development, Council requested more information <br />from staff regarding cost estimates for storm sewer in the road and drainage problems in Lake Air Estates. <br />Miron made motion, Granger seconded, to table this matter until the Council meeting of April 21, 2003 for <br />preliminary and final plat approval. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />LMC CITY DAY AT STATE CAPITOL ON APRIL 9, 2003 <br />The League of Minnesota Cities has declared Wednesday, April 9, 2003 as Minnesota City Day at the <br />state capitol. Elected and appointed city officials from State of Minnesota will be in St. Paul to share <br />their stories about the impacts the governor's state budget proposal and the Minnesota Senate's property <br />tax freeze proposal communities. This is an opportunity for the Hugo City Council to participate in the <br />LMC`s effort to share the City's position with our local elected officials. City staff requested Council's <br />interest in attending this event. Council members stated that they would not be able to attend. <br />GRAND OPENING FOR CONGRESSMAN MARK KENNEDY JH DISTRICT OFFICE <br />(APRIL 15, 2003) <br />Mark Matuska, district manager for Congressman Mark Kennedy's a district, announced that a grand <br />opening celebration would be held on Tuesday, April 15, 2003, from 2pm to 4:30pm. This celebration <br />will be an opportunity to publicly announce the opening the dh district representative's district office in <br />the Hugo City Hall and an opportunity to meet Congressman Kennedy and member of his congressional <br />staff. City Council members were encouraged to attend this event. City Attorney <br />Dave Snyder advised that no legal notice of this event was required since Council would not be <br />discussing City business. <br />2003 CITY SEWER AND WATER RATES (SAME AS 2002) <br />In January 2002, the Council adopted a resolution thereby setting City sewer and water rates for 2002. <br />This rate study was completed by Bill Lehner from Computer Integrated Technology (CIT) in an effort <br />to insure that the City annually reviews and sets sewer and water rates commensurate with operational <br />and maintenance costs. Staff worked with CIT recently to review the repair and maintenance costs to the <br />City's sewer and water system and Mayor Mixon proudly announced that the City wodd maintain the <br />same rates for 2003. <br />Puleo made motion, Granger seconded, to table the following agenda items until the City Council <br />meeting of April 21, 2003: <br />Approve Parkland Dedication Ordinance Amendment <br />City Council Liaisons to Commissions <br />Letter from Washington County Conservation District <br />Tri Cities Coalition Meeting (March 20, 2003) — Results and Issues <br />AMM Resolution to Oppose Minnesota State Legislative Controls <br />