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City Council meeting of June 2, 3003 <br />Page 3 <br />APPROVE VARIANCE REQUEST FOR POLE BUILDING (SHIMOTA) <br />Leonard and Rita Shimota requested variances to exceed the maximum size permitted for an accessory <br />building and permit an accessory building with an exterior finish that is inconsistent with the principal <br />structure on property located at 9824140th Street North. On May 22, 2003, the Board of Zoning <br />Adjustments recommended approval by a unanimous vote. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved <br />the variances for Len and Rita Shimota, as recommend by the Board. <br />APPROVE VARIANCE REQUEST FOR GARAGE (SULLIVAN) <br />John and Susanne Sullivan requested a variance to exceed the maximum size of permitted garage space <br />for construction of a new home on property located at 9079 170th Street North. On May 22, 2003, the <br />Board of Zoning Adjustments recommended approval by a unanimous vote. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved the variance request of John and Susanne Sullivan, as recommend by the Board. <br />APPROVE VARIANCE REQUEST FOR ACCESSORY BLDG SETBACK (WILSON) <br />Max & Cheryl Wilson requested a variance to permit a 20 -foot side yard setback for the construction of <br />a 1,200 square foot accessory building on property located 14880 Homestead Avenue North. On May <br />22, 2003, the Board of Zoning Adjustments recommended approval by a unanimous vote. Adoption of <br />the Consent Agenda approved the variance of Max and Cheryl Wilson, as recommend by the Board. <br />APPROVE PUD AMENDMENT FOR FABLED HILLS SUBD (LEN PRAT]) <br />Lakeview Hugo LLP, is requesting approval of a PUD amendment for Fabled Hill (formerly called <br />Legacy) located east of Elmcrest Avenue, west of Europa Avenue and South of 140th Street to add the <br />property located at 13507 Elmcrest Avenue to the PUD and amends the development standards for the <br />project. The Planning Commission reviewed the matter at its May 22, 2003 meeting and voted <br />unanimously to recommend approval of the request. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the <br />PUD amendment as recommended by the Planning Commission. <br />APPROVE CUP FOR HOME OCCUPATION IN ACCESSORY BLDG (MALSTROM) <br />Walter and Nancy Malmstrom requested a conditional use permit to teach art lessons in their home and <br />detached garage on property located at 16011 Harrow Avenue North. The zoning ordinance permits <br />home occupations in the home as a permitted use; further, the ordinance allows home occupations in an <br />accessory building subject to approval of a conditional use permit On May 22, 2003, the Planning <br />Commission considered the conditional use permit and recommended approval by a unanimous vote. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the conditional use permit as recommend by the PC. <br />At its May 19, 2003 meeting, the Council approved the draft Purchase Agreement for the sale of Lot 5 in <br />the BEIP 5i° Addition to Jeff Olson, owner of Olson Tool in the Peloquin Industrial Park. Staff <br />completed the final work on the Agreement, and upon recommendation from City Attorney Dave City <br />