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2003.07.21 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2003 CC Minutes
2003.07.21 CC Minutes
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City Council meeting of July 21, 2003 <br />Page 3 <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved staff to advertise for position of public works worker. <br />APPROVE LAWFUL GAMBLING PERMIT FOR INDIANHEAD SCOUTING (WILD WINGS) <br />Indianhead Scouts made application to the City for a lawful gambling permit to conduct a raffle at Wild <br />Wings on September 23, 2003 as fund raiser for the annual pheasant hunt. City staff reviewed the <br />application and the accompanying information and found it to be satisfactory and complete. Adoption of <br />the Consent Agenda approved the lawful gambling permit for Indianhead Scouting to hold a raffle at <br />Wild Wings' annual pheasant hunt on September 23, 2003. <br />APPROVE PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL AND SALARY MATRIX ADJUSTMENT FOR CD <br />DIRECTOR (JOHN RASK) <br />John Rask was hired as the City's new Community Development Director on July 10, 2000. Over the <br />past three years, John has worked very hard to the department of community development. He has <br />developed a systematic method for the review and processing of development applications, efficiently <br />addressing zoning issues, and creating a development review team, which involves City staff and <br />consultants. He has demonstrated through his professional work a thorough and analytical <br />understanding of the development review process to insure that a high standard and quality of excellence <br />is exhibited when a project is completed. John is very dependable and has a professional ethics standard, <br />which does not allow for any compromise of City standards or departure from engineering quality. John <br />is a valued and trusted member of the City Hall, whose keen sense of humor is welcomed by everyone. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the performance appraisal for CD Director John Rask and <br />approved the salary matrix adjustment. <br />APPROVE PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL AND SALARY MATRIX ADJUSTMENT FOR <br />PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR (CHRIS PETREE) <br />Chris Petree was hired by the City on July 19, 1999 as the City's new maintenance worker. Over the <br />past four years, Chris worked hard, both in that position and in his new leadership position, as the City's <br />public works director to establish a public works department and to provide for excellence in the <br />delivery in the public works services in the City. Chris added two excellent employees in 2002 and was <br />responsible for the purchase of equipment and vehicles to begin the full transition from the Washington <br />County Public Works Department this past year. Chris is an extremely conscientious employee, who is <br />both detailed oriented and a hard worker, which is reflected in the hours that he and his department put <br />into the multitude of public works duties in the City. Chris is a leader on the City Hall team, and he has <br />a bright future in the City's public works department. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the <br />performance appraisal and salary matrix adjustment for public works director Chris Petree. <br />APPROVE PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL AND SALARY MATRIX ADJUSTMENT FOR <br />UTILITY BILLING CLERK (JODIE GUARESCHD <br />Jodie Guareschi was hired by the City on June 17, 2002 as the new full-time utility billing clerk. Jodie <br />began work on a volunteer basis with the City more than a year and a half ago, and demonstrated her <br />talents in a multitude of duties, including envelope stuffing, receptionist duties, and wide variety of <br />office tasks. Jodie is a conscientious employee, who is relied upon to do a variety of tasks, including <br />
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