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2003.09.02 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2003 CC Minutes
2003.09.02 CC Minutes
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City Council
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City Council meeting of September 2, 2003 <br />Page 3 <br />planning of the entire site, including an active use on the west side of the property for use as soccer <br />fields. Council member Petryk requested that the City consider a possible money and labor donation <br />from the WBL Fast Pitch Association. She has suggested that they attend a Parks Commission <br />meeting to explain to their program and what they have to offer. Mayor Miron stated that the City will <br />"leave open" its options as to the athletic use of the property. <br />Granger made motion, Haas seconded, to approve the appointment of Bob Russek from ESG <br />Architects to complete the PW Department space needs study and master plan for the Rice Lake Park <br />property at a cost of $3,780. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />APPROVE DENIAL OF LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION FROM MAHMOOD HASSAN <br />(THE END ZONE) <br />On June 24, 2003, the City received a liquor license application from Mahmood Hassan, who has <br />entered into a purchase agreement to buy the End Zone, and reopen it as a restaurant featuring <br />Pakistani and Indian cuisine. A background investigation was completed by the Washington County <br />Sheriff's Department, and it was forwarded to the City indicating that Mr. Hassan was a satisfactory <br />applicant for a license. Additionally, there are a number of outstanding taxes and fees that have not <br />been paid as well, and which need to be paid in advance of issuance of a license, according to City <br />code. This issue was tabled by Council at its August 18, 2003 meeting, at the writtea.request of the <br />applicant. Council directed staff to notify the applicant that he had until September 2, 2003 to resolve <br />the clear title and ownership of the End Zone. City Attorney stated that the City had not received any <br />new information that would change his recommendation to deny the liquor license application from <br />Mahmood Hassan. Mr. Hassan did not make an appearance at the meeting. <br />Miron made motion, Haas seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 2003-46 DENYING THE <br />APPLICATION OF MAHMOOD HASSAN FOR A LIQUOR LICENSE AT 13891 FOREST BLVD. <br />VOTING AYE: Granger, Haas, Petryk, Miron <br />Motion Carried. <br />CONSIDERATION OF REVOCATION OF SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR SALVAGE YARD <br />(NORMAN HORTON) <br />At its August 18, 2003 meeting, Council considered renewal of the auto dismantling license submitted <br />by Dan Stewart d/b/a ARK and its concerns over the SUP, which is held by the property owner <br />Norman Horton. Council had concern regarding a number of issues of which Mr. Horton's SUP was <br />in violation. Council directed staff to send a certified letter to Mr. Horton notifying him that he is in <br />violation of the SUP and that a public hearing would be held to consider revocation of it. City <br />Attorney Dave Snyder and CD Director John Rask prepared a resolution adopting Findings of Fact for <br />revocation of the license, if Council felt it necessary. Mayor Miron opened the public hearing accepted <br />public comment and provided the landowner an opportunity to show cause as to why the permit should <br />not be revoked. Dan Rosen, an attorney representing Norman Horton and Dan Stewart, discussed what <br />has been remedied to date, and stated his clients' willingness to work with the City to resolve the other <br />
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