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2003.09.02 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2003 CC Minutes
2003.09.02 CC Minutes
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Council meeting of September 2, 2003 <br />Page 6 <br />workshop to discuss the status of the City of Hugo becoming the local government unit for wetland <br />and storm water management. This issue was identified as one of the Council's 2003 City goals and <br />was expected to be accomplished sometime after the hire of the new senior engineering technician. <br />Scott Anderson, and other City staff have met with Pete Willenbring from WSB Engineers to discuss <br />the transition and implementation of the City takeover of this watershed responsibility. <br />Miron made motion, Granger seconded, directing staff to schedule a workshop for sometime in <br />October, on a Friday morning. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />2004 PROPOSED CITY TAX LEVY <br />Minnesota State Statute specifies that a City must set its proposed tax levy before September 15th each <br />year in order that the County Auditor has time to include this amount in the City's Truth in Taxation <br />public hearing notices. City councils are allowed by law to lower this tax levy, but they cannot <br />increase it. Finance Director Ron Otkin received, just last week, target financial projections from the <br />state, which has allowed him to draft the proposed City tax levy for 2004. After receiving direction <br />from Council at its June 2003 semi-annual budget workshop, Ron has prepared the tax levy to reflect <br />Council's desire to levy back the 60% allowed by state statute from the 2003 state legislature. Ron <br />reviewed with Council this proposed 2004 City tax levy, which is recommended for adoption by <br />Council. Additionally, Council reviews a proposed budget, but due to the delay in the state sending <br />out the financial data, this information will be presented to Council to its second meeting in October. <br />Staff included for Council a mid -year review of the City's budget, which would reflect a target of <br />being both expenditure guidelines, as well as an increase in projected revenues. In short, the financial <br />picture for Hugo in 2004 is bright. There will be no increase in the urban tax rate in 2004. <br />Haas made motion, Miron seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 2003-47 A RESOLUTION <br />APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY TAX LEVY PAYABLE IN 2004 IN THE AMOUNT OF <br />$2,659,983. <br />VOTING AYE: Granger, Haas, Pea* Miron <br />Motion Carried <br />JD2 CULVERT REPLACEMENT UPDATE <br />At its August 4, 2003 meeting, City staff provided Council with a brief update on the JD2 culvert <br />replacement project. Council again tabled reimbursement to RCWD for the work completed to date by <br />Jay Brothers, and requested that additional information be provided as to the quality of the work and <br />the desires of the RCWD to complete the work to the satisfaction of the City. Jodi Polzin from EOR, <br />the project manager, was present to discuss this issue with Council. City Engineer Dave Mitchell <br />presented a memo from SEH geotechnician Ron Farmer and himself, which outlined the repair options <br />for Council to consider. Council did not have time to review the memo, which was presented at the <br />meeting. Council directed the City Engineer to review the engineer's memo for accuracy and present a <br />final draft for review at the September 2, 2003 City Council meeting. Brett Emmons from EOR was <br />present to discuss the repairs and stated that the repairs will not change the hydraulic capacity or <br />
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