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City Council meeting of November 17, 2003 <br />Page 3 <br />sultant for design of the Oneka Ponds park project and adjacent Bernin property at $80/hr, with the <br />amount of time to be determined by the Parks Commission and the CD Director. <br />APPROVE PERFORMANCE REVIEW AND SALARY ADJUSTMENT FOR VIDEO <br />TECHNICIAN (CINDRA SCHMIDT) <br />Cindra Schmidt was hired by the City in July 2003 as the City's new video technician. Her hire came <br />as the result of the departure of Jennifer Vandyke, who had a change in her college classroom hours <br />that prevented her from video taping evening meetings. Cindra has done an excellent job in being on <br />time and enhancing the quality of the video production of both City Council and Planning Commission <br />meetings. Cindra has been working with City staff and video consultant to improve the quality of the <br />production and play back of public meetings. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the perform- <br />ance review and salary adjustment from $10 to $11/hr for Cindra Schmidt. <br />APPROVE 2003-2004 TRAIL APPLICATION FOR THE HUGO SNOWMOBILE CLUB <br />Each year, the Hugo Snowmobile Club makes application to the City for approval of four trails to pro- <br />vide for recreational snowmobiling within the City of Hugo. The club is responsible for maintenance <br />of the trails and the Hardwood Creek Trail. Club president John Udstuen is also responsible for ad- <br />dressing and resolving snowmobile complaints that the City receives each year. This year's applica- <br />tion has been satisfactorily completed and is consistent with those for the prior six years. A certificate <br />of insurance was included in the application, which names the City as an additional insured, which is <br />consistent with the City for liability insurance purposes. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved <br />the 2003-2004 trail application for the Hugo Snowmobile Club. <br />APPROVE PAY REQUEST NO.1 FOR LAMETTI & SONS FOR WORK COMPLETED ON <br />THE PELOOUIN INDUSTRIAL PARK P.I. PROJECT <br />Lametti & Sons submitted pay request No. 1 for work completed to date on the Peloquin Industrial <br />Park P.I. Project. Project manager Brian Mitchell from SEH Engineers reviewed the request and found <br />it to be consistent with work complete. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved payment in the <br />amount of $428,684.65 to Lametti & Sons. <br />APPROVE REDUCTION IN LETTER OF CREDIT AND FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF THE <br />EAGLE SHORES SUBDIVISION <br />Heritage Development made application to the City for a reduction in the letter of credit for the Eagle <br />Shores subdivision. City staff reviewed the public improvement work and the construction completed <br />and found it to be satisfactory and acceptable. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved reduction in <br />the letter of credit to $103,750. <br />PRESENTATION OF PUBLIC WORKS SPACE NEEDS STUDY AND RICE LAKE PARK <br />CONCEPT PLAN BOB RUSSEK) <br />City architect Bob Russek from Elsness Swenson and Graham Architects (ESG) made a presentation <br />to Council regarding the Public Works Space Needs Study and the Rice Lake Park Concept Plan, <br />