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2003.12.01 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2003 CC Minutes
2003.12.01 CC Minutes
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City Council meeting of December 1, 2003 <br />Page 5 <br />INSTALLATION OF NO PARKING SIGNS AND 30 MPH SIGNS ON lkm STREET <br />At its November 17, 2003 meeting, Council discussed the installation of no parking signs on 130" <br />Street, which had been authorized by Council at its regular meeting of November 3, 2003. Council <br />listened to two residents, who live on 130" Street, who complained that they had not been informed of <br />the November P meeting at which the issue was first discussed. One resident stated that problems <br />with speeding on 130" have increased since installation of the signs. After discussion by Council, this <br />issue was tabled until the tonight's meeting to allow staff the opportunity to research the issue further. <br />City staff reviewed the issue thoroughly from the traffic safety perspective, as well as the request for <br />on -street parking. Senior Engineering Technician Scott Anderson stated that according to MnDOT <br />standards, a minimum of 32' is necessary to allow for on -street parking. 13& Street is 24' wide, and <br />based on MnDOT standards, it should be posted no parking. The City Council has the discretion to <br />prohibit or allow on -street parking. Council discussed the parking situation and felt that resident <br />driveways, parking on Fenway Boulevard and Europa Trail, and the water tower parking lot provided <br />ample parking for residents. <br />Haas made motion, Granger seconded, directing staff to stripe the water tower site to allow for <br />additional residential parking. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Petryk made motion, Granger seconded, directing staff to post 30 mph signs along 13& Street, <br />between TH61 and Europa Trail. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />DISCUSSION ON NEW PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY <br />At its November 17, 2003 meeting, ,the Council discussed with City architect Bob Russek from Elsness <br />Swenson and Graham (ESG) architects, the Public Works Space Needs Study and the Concept Plan for <br />the Rice Lake Park property. Upon formal receipt of the two projects, Council directed staff to work <br />with Bob to develop a final concept for the public works facility and with the Public Works Building <br />Committee. Staff was also directed to work with Bob to draft the standard AIA architect's agreement <br />and to bring it back to Council for final approval. The PW Building Committee met with John Rask <br />and Bob on Monday, December 1st, to discuss the site plan for the new public works facility. <br />Architect Russek reviewed the three building type options with Council, including the location of the <br />building and the overall estimated budget for the project. <br />Granger made motion, Puleo seconded, to approve the revised building plan and proceed with the final <br />draft of the Architect's Agreement, including bidding Alternates 1 and 2, and to ask for bids for <br />Alternate 3, which is the community room. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />
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