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City Council meeting of February 4, 2002 <br />Page 2 <br />APPROVAL OF CLAIMS <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the claims for February 4, 2002 as presented. <br />APPROVAL OF 2002 RATE TABLE FOR SEH ENGINEERING <br />City Engineer Dave Mitchell submitted the 2002 rate table for SEH Engineers. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda approved the new SEH engineering rate table for 2002. <br />APPROVAL OF AUAR FOR EVERTON AVENUE NEIGHBORHOOD <br />At its January 22, 2002 meeting, CD Director John Rask presented the AUAR for the Everton/Elmcrest <br />Avenue neighborhood, which was prepared by WSB Engineers. Council tabled action on approval of <br />AUAR until staff had an opportunity to meet with Met Council representatives. On Monday, January <br />28, 2002, City staff met with representatives from the Met Council to discuss the AUAR that had been <br />submitted to the Met Council for review. Met Council representatives agreed to withdraw their letter of <br />objection for the project. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the AUAR for the <br />Everton/Elmcrest Avenue neighborhood. <br />RESCHEDULE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING TO FEBRUARY 19.2002 <br />The President's Day federal holiday falls on Monday, February 18, 2002. City Council normally <br />reschedules this second meeting of the month to the 'Tuesday immediately following the holiday. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda rescheduled the regular second meeting of February to Tuesday, <br />February 19, 2002. <br />APPROVE PAYMENT REQUEST FROM MARK HAUG CONSTRUCTION FOR WORK <br />COMPLETED TO DATE ON THE NEW CITY HALL <br />Mark Haug Construction, Inc., submitted its 7'h pay request for work completed to date on the <br />construction of the new City Hall. City architect Bob Russek from ESG Architects reviewed the pay <br />request and found it to be consistent for work completed to date. Adoption of the Consent Agenda <br />accepted the City architect's recommendation and approved payment in the amount of $244,762.75. <br />APPROVE CHANGE ORDER NO.3 FOR NEW CITY HALL <br />City architect Bob Russek of ESG Architects submitted Change Order No. 3 for the construction of the <br />new City Hall. Staff reviewed the Change Order with the city architect and Mark Haug Construction, <br />Inc., and recommended approval. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved Change Order No. 3 in <br />the additional amount of $13,105. <br />APPROVAL OF ZONING ORDINANCE <br />At its January 22, 2002 meeting, the Council considered approval of the zoning ordinance that had been <br />revised by staff after the joint City Council and Planning Commission meeting on December 1, 2001. <br />Council agreed to table final approval of this zoning ordinance for one more meeting to allow for <br />