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City Council meeting of February 25, 2002 <br />Page 2 <br />PUBLIC BEARING (RECONSIDERATION OF REZONINGSI <br />At its January 22, 2002 meeting, the Council directed staff to call a public hearing at which it would <br />reconsider the rezoning of the Roy Molitor and Ken Tschida properties. Staff scheduled the public <br />hearing for tonight's meeting. Council considered the report prepared by CD Director John Rask and <br />called to order the public hearing at which Council must take public comment regarding the proposed <br />reconsideration of the rezoning of the Molitor and Tschida properties. <br />ROY MOLITOR PROPERTY <br />Mayor Miron called the public hearing to order. <br />Tom Jackson, 21262 Floral Bay North, asked the Council to obtain Roy Molitor's input on the rezoning. <br />He said there is a time value of money in owning property. No opinion offered. <br />Tom Junilla, representing Schwieters, supports rezoning of the Molitor property. <br />Ken Tschida, 21885 Iden Avenue, supports rezoning of the Molitor property because there is a natural <br />buffer between his property and Mr. Molitor's. <br />Roger Anderson, who lives in the Townhomes of Bald Eagle development, had no opinion on the <br />rezoning, but wanted to know what the City's long-term plan is for this area. <br />A letter from Como Lube supports the rezoning of both properties. <br />There were no further comments. Mayor Miron then closed the public hearing. <br />Miron made motion, Petryk seconded, to rezone the Roy Molitor property from multi -family housing to <br />office/light industrial. City Attorney will prepare an ordinance for the next Council meeting. <br />,Ill ayt:. Motion Carried. <br />KEN TSCHIDA PROPERTY <br />Mayor Miron called the public hearing to order. <br />Ken Tschida, 21885 Iden Avenue, supports rezoning his property to multi -family housing. Steve Ach <br />from Centex Homes supports rezoning of the property to multi -family housing. A letter from Como <br />Lube supports the rezoning of the property to officellight industrial. Mayor Miron closed the public <br />hearing. Council inquired about the fiscal impacts of industrial versus housing property. Council <br />member Granger is concerned about a lot of people and families living on a small piece of land. No <br />action was taken by the Council, resulting in the property staying as currently zoned. <br />ADJOURNMENT <br />Haas made motion, Granger seconded, to adjourn at 10:00 pm. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Michael A. Ericson <br />City Administrator <br />