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City Council meeting of April 1, 2002 <br />Page 4 <br />APPROVE DESIGNATION OF BUILDING OFFICIAL TO ADMINISTER STATE BUILDING <br />CODE <br />New legislation from the Minnesota state legislature directs cities to officially designate its building <br />official to administer the state building code. Adoption of the Consent Agenda designated building <br />official John Benson to administer the state building code and to forward this designation to the State of <br />Minnesota, Building Code Division. <br />APPROVE SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT WITH SEH ENGINEERS FOR SCADA <br />SYSTEM INSTALLATION <br />Public Works Director Chris Petree has worked with SEH Engineers for the past several months on the <br />installation of the new SCADA that will allow for the 24-hour monitoring of all City sewer and water <br />facilities, including wells, towers, and lift stations. Council approved an agreement for this work in the <br />fall of 2001. This Supplemental Agreement was for work that was included in the Scope of Services <br />and prescribed by SEH. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the Supplemental Agreement with <br />SEH for the new SCADA system in an amount not to exceed $37,000.. <br />ACCEPT PLANS AND SPECS AND AUTHORIZE FOR BIDS FOR SCADA SYSTEM <br />INSTALLATION <br />After Council approved the new SCADA system recommended by City Engineer Dave Mitchell and <br />SEH Engineers, they have worked with Public Works Director Chris Petree to provide for its <br />installation. The work has been completed and adoption of the Consent Agenda accepted the plans and <br />specifications, and authorized staff to go out for bids for the installation of the SCADA system. <br />ACCEPT RESIGNATION OF TOM CHEESEBROW FROM THE PARKS COMMISSION <br />AND AUTHORIZE STAFF TO ADVERTISE TO FILL VACANCY <br />Tom Cheesebrow submitted his resignation from the Hugo Parks Commission due to a change in his <br />professional employment schedule. Adoption of the Consent Agenda accepted the resignation from <br />Tom Cheesebrow, expressed thanks to him for his service on the Commission, and directed staff to <br />advertise to fill the vacancy. <br />APPROVE AND ADOPT RESOLUTION FOR CSAH 14/1-35E INTERCHANGE <br />At the January 30, 2002 tri -city meeting with the cities of Lino Lakes and Centerville, the Hugo City <br />Council endorsed the adoption of a resolution calling for the full support of all three city councils to <br />solicit funding for improvements to the CSAH 14/I -35E interchange. The City of Hugo agreed to draft <br />the resolution and submit it to the other city councils for adoption. City Attorney Dave Snyder drafted <br />the resolution to include all factors and focuses needed for prompt attention to the safety concern at the <br />interchange. Adoption of the Consent Agenda adopted Resolution 2002-12 for tri -city support for <br />improvements to the CSAH 14/I -35E interchange and forward it to the other cities for their signature. <br />