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MINUTES FOR THE JOINT MEETING OF THE HUGO CITY COUNCIL AND THE <br />RCWD ON APRIL 23.2002 <br />Mayor Fran Miron opened the joint meeting of the Hugo City Council and the RCWD at 7:30 pm. <br />PRESENT: Haas, Petryk, Puleo, Miron <br />City Administrator, Michael Ericson <br />ABSENT: Mike Granger <br />OTHERS PRESENT: <br />RCWD Board of Managers — Jim Leroux (Vice Chair), Robin Doege, Andy Cardinal, and Barbara Haake <br />RCWD Administrator, Steve Hobbs <br />State Senator, Michele Bachmann <br />State Representative, Ray Vandeveer <br />Washington County Commissioner, Dennis Hegberg <br />JD2 Blue Ribbon Task Force Members <br />And Many Others <br />State Senator Michele Bachmann presented a Proclamation to the City of Hugo congratulating the <br />Council on its new City Hall. Mayor Miron accepted on behalf of the City. <br />REVIEW OF BLUE RIBBON TASK FORCE AGREEMENT <br />Vice Chair Leroux provided a history and timeline of the work to date by the Task Force. Other <br />members of the Task Force offered comment. <br />LCMR PROPOSAL AND "BIG PICTURE" FOR HARDWOOD CREEK RESTORATION <br />Steve Hobbs, new administrator for the RCWD, made a Power Point Presentation of the $2.04 <br />million LCMR grant proposal that would involve 650 acres over a two-year period. Both the Council <br />and Board of Managers were supportive of the proposal. <br />CITY OF HUGO STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN <br />Brett Emmons from Emmons & Olivier Resource discussed the City's plan. EOR is supportive of the <br />plan, but there are four areas that need to be strengthened: 1) completion of the JD2 work; 2) <br />landlocked water basins dealt with on a case-by-case basis; 3) wetland management plan should be a <br />customized and flexible plan for wetlands; and 4) quantity of runoff should be controlled with volume <br />and flow rates on a baseline. Brett said the text and plan would be submitted back to the City and the <br />RCWD for final work. Pete Willenbring from WSB Engineers, the City's Water Resource Engineer, <br />followed Brett's presentation with standards and plan issues. The plan is ready for the City Council. <br />WATER QUALITY ASSESSMENT <br />Brett Emmons and Marcy Westrick made a Power Point Presentation that suggested problems with <br />phosphorus levels in the Hardwood Creek and into Peltier Lake. <br />CULVERT DESIGN PROFILE FOR JD2 <br />Jodi Polzin from EOR stated that she has nearly completed the design work that will involve four <br />crossings, which are eligible to receive state funds. She will submit it at the end of the week. Greg <br />