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MINUTES FOR THE HUGO BUDGET MEETING OF OCTOBER 28.2002 <br />Mayor Fran Miron opened the meeting at 7:00 pm. <br />PRESENT: Granger, Haas, Petryk, Puleo, Miron <br />City Administrator, Mike Ericson <br />CD Director, John Rask <br />Finance Officer, Ron Otkin <br />Public Works Director, Chris Petree <br />City Assessor, Frank Langer <br />Fire Chief, Jim Compton <br />1" Asst Chief, Greg Burmeister <br />2"d Asst Chief, Jadon 011ila <br />BUDGET OVERVIEW <br />City Administrator Mike Ericson provide a brief overview of the proposed 2003 City budget. He <br />stated that Council's seven goals identified for 2002 are staffs priorities with the other <br />goals/projects identified in staffs current projects list. <br />BUDGET BACKGROUND INFORMATION <br />CD Director John Rask provided a PowerPoint presentation of the issues related to the preparation <br />of the 2003 City Budget. <br />PROPOSED 2003 CITY BUDGET <br />Finance Director Ron Otkin opened his presentation by stating that this is his 14'h budget he has <br />prepared for the City of Hugo and 25 h in his career. Ron has proposed a small increase in the <br />City's budget with a recommendation to levy to the maximum of 5% as allowed by the state and as <br />per City policy. Mayor and Council asked a number of questions regarding line items of the budget <br />and why budget number were used. City Assessor Frank Langer shared information about <br />projected market value increases in 2003. He has been with the City since 1979. He stated, "Hugo <br />people are the nicest people of any city I work for." <br />PROPOSED 2003 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM <br />Staff provided an overview of the CIP. Council talked about the purchase of a new fire truck and <br />they are willing to support it. Staff will schedule Nick Dragisich of Springsted, Inc., to attend the <br />next budget workshop. Mayor Miron stated that the level of professionalism on the Hugo Fire <br />Department is an "about face" and officers are to be commended. <br />Miron made motion, Haas seconded, to schedule another budget workshop meeting at 8:30 am on <br />Wednesday, November 6, 2002, with a backup date of Monday, November 25, 2002. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />