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2001.01.16 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2001 CC Minutes
2001.01.16 CC Minutes
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City Council
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City Council meeting of January 16, 2001 <br />Page 3 <br />up" to better identify work to be done relative to the Everton/Elmcrest Avenue Study. <br />Haas made motion, Petryk seconded, to table the Agreements for Professional Services from SEH and <br />WSB for redrafting to allow for a more precise declaration of scope of services. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />SAFEASSURE PROPOSAL TO UPDATE AND IMPLEMENT WORKPLACE SAFETY <br />POLICIES <br />City staff met with a safety consultant, SafeAssure, and reviewed a proposal whereby the company <br />would review, revise, update, train, and implement state and federal OSHA workplace safety policies <br />for the City. The proposal would be an opportunity for the City staff to take a proactive approach to <br />ensuring that all necessary state and federal OSHA guidelines and policies are implemented, adopted, <br />and understood by not only City staff, but also the City Council. The City's 2001 budget included <br />$5,000 for safety equipment for which this program is being considered. City staff recommended <br />Council approve the proposal from SafeAssure to review, revise, implement, and train City staff on <br />current state and federal workplace safety policies. Councilman Puleo questioned the budget line item <br />referenced as it states "equipment". City Administrator stated that the $5,000 budgeted was for <br />implementation of a safety program and not necessarily for physical equipment. <br />Puleo made motion, Granger seconded, to approve the proposal from SafeAssure to review, revise, <br />implement, and train City staff on current state and federal workplace safety policies. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />SWEET GRASS MEADOWS DITCH PROJECT <br />In December 2000, the City Council considered a seventh and final design option for the restoration of <br />the Sweet Grass Meadows ditch along Oneka Lake Blvd. Council discussed the new option, prepared <br />at Council request, with City Engineer Dave Mitchell. Its basic design included the construction of a <br />retaining wall along the entire length of the 12 lots that abut the ditch. After discussion, Council <br />rejected the option due to the high cost and reconsidered another request from Nathan Siebenaler <br />whereby he stated he was able to get a contractor to install drainage pipe along the entire length of the <br />12 lots for a very low cost. Council also listened to two other property owners who were supportive of <br />their neighbors' work and agreed to extend an opportunity to Mr. Siebenaler to work with his employer <br />and a contractor to develop a formal quotation. Mr. Siebenaler was directed to work with the City <br />Engineer in regard to elevations in order that the project was designed according to professional <br />engineering standards. Mr. Siebenaler agreed, and stated that he bring issue back to the City Council <br />at some in the future with this information. Staff spoke with Mr. Siebenaler last week, and the <br />contractor informed him that the ditch work is urgent because there was no frost in the ground along <br />Oneka Lake Blvd. He would like to do the work the week of January 15th. Council again discussed <br />this matter at length in an effort to resolve the problem, as well as its history for new Council <br />members. <br />Puleo made motion, Miron seconded, to accept the recommendation of the City Engineer authorizing <br />
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