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City Council meeting of January 16, 2001 <br />Page 6 <br />Council approve and adopt the 2001 salary matrix. <br />Haas made motion, Petryk seconded, to approve and adopt the 2001 salary matrix. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />SALARY ADJUSTMENTS <br />Included in the proposal from Helping Minnesota Cities, Inc., were instructions to develop a salary <br />matrix whereby all positions within the City of Hugo were assigned various pay grades and <br />corresponding salaries. The City previously did not have a salary matrix. Paul Ness proposed the <br />placement of all employees on the salary matrix to the closest step higher than the salary they are <br />currently receiving. City staff recommended Council approve the 2001 salary adjustments for all City <br />employees. <br />Miron made motion, Haas seconded, to accept and approve the 2001 salary adjustments for all City <br />employees. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />REQUEST TO PURCHASE HOUSE Q)14187 FOREST BLVD. <br />In December 2000, a local homeowner contacted staff for the City's interest in purchasing her home at <br />14187 Forest Blvd. She had read in the newspaper that the City was interested in purchasing homes <br />along TH61, and since her husband had recently died, she followed up with a telephone call. City staff <br />inspected the home, and found it to be in satisfactory condition and could be considered for use as <br />future rental property. Finance Director Ron Otkin reviewed the City's original policy directive for <br />obtaining properties on TH61, and found that this parcel to be inconsistent with those the Council had <br />directed staff to pursue if the property became available. Specifically, properties south of 145' Street <br />could not be considered according to the resolution adopted by the Council. City staff recommended <br />the Council direct staff to contact and send a letter to homeowner thanking her for the opportunity, but <br />respectfully decline due to its location and also because the City does not have the additional funds to <br />purchase it. <br />Miron made motion, Petryk seconded, directing staff to send a letter to homeowner thanking her for <br />the opportunity, but respectfully decline its purchase due to its location, and also because the City does <br />not have the additional funds to purchase it. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />APPOINT RFP REVIEW COMMITTEE FOR SELECTION AND RECOMMENDATION OF <br />A FIRM FOR CHARRETTENISIONING PROCESS <br />In December 2000, City Council directed staff to prepare an RFP and solicit proposals from planning <br />firms to conduct the charrettelvisioning process for the City of Hugo with a deadline of Friday, January <br />5, 2001. Staff received a total of five proposals for the project. City staff recommended the Council <br />