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2001.03.05 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2001 CC Minutes
2001.03.05 CC Minutes
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City Council
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City Council meeting of March 5, 2001 <br />Page 5 <br />UPDATE ON WHITE OAKS HEIGHT SUBDIVISION <br />Craig Smith, the developer for the White Oaks Height subdivision, has been in default of his project, and <br />has allowed a letter of credit to expire; subsequently, builders cannot obtain building permits to construct <br />homes on the remaining lots in the subdivision. Staff met with Mr. Smith, and has proposed new <br />Development Agreement conditions and a new letter of credit for $25,000 that would allow the City to <br />have its financial insurance that the development will make the remaining public improvements a reality. <br />Of the $25,000, $15,000 would cover costs for the public improvements, and $10,000 would reimburse <br />the City for engineer fees already paid. Mr. Smith has challenged the engineering fees in the past, but to <br />of no avail. <br />Haas made motion, Granger seconded, that the developer Craig Smith provide the City with a new letter <br />of credit in the amount of $15,000 to cover costs for public improvements, reimburse the City $10,000 <br />for engineering fees already paid, and sign a revised Development Agreement. No building permits shall <br />be issued until the letter of credit is provided and engineering fees paid. Approval is subject to the City <br />Attorney reviewing, and approving, the revised letter of credit and Development Agreement. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />EVERTON/ELMCREST AVENUE UPDATE <br />Council member Petryk updated the Council on the last Everton Avenue Neighborhood Study meeting, <br />which went very well. She stated that the final meeting with residents was not required. She expressed <br />her pleasure with the process, and thanked staff for their hard work. The Council thanked Council <br />members Becky Petryk and Chuck Haas for their hard work on this project. <br />ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT <br />Community Development Director John Rask provided the Council with an update of the February 2e <br />Planning Commission meeting at which staff presented PC members with work completed to -date on the <br />amendments to the City's Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Rask invited Council to contact him with any <br />concerns after they had a chance the material in more detail. <br />METROPOLITAN COUNCIL MEETING ON COMPREHENSIVE PLAN <br />On Thursday, February 8, 2001, Hugo City staff members met with Metropolitan Council staff members <br />regarding the City's Comprehensive Plan. John Rask, Dave Snyder, Dave Mitchell, and Mike Ericson <br />were in attendance at this meeting to review the necessary modifications and updates that need to be <br />made to the City's Comprehensive Plan in order to meet the requirements of the Metropolitan Land <br />Planning Act and to have it accepted as completed. City Attorney Dave Snyder prepared minutes of the <br />meeting for the Council to review. Community Development Director John Rask reviewed with Council <br />the work to -date on these proposed modifications and the Met Council's full cooperation to see that the <br />City's Comprehensive Plan is fully completed and updated. <br />
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