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City Council meeting of April 3, 2001 <br />Page 2 <br />PUMP HOUSE: BRICK AND PAINT COLORS: COLORS FOR THE BOWL: AND LOGO <br />FOR THE TOWER <br />City Engineer Dave Mitchell presented Council with the concept look for the new City water tower, and <br />Council agreed with the general shape and design, including the colors of the tower and the Hugo City <br />logo that would painted on the exterior of the tower. Council agreed that a multi -color logo should be <br />used to accent the City's cattails. Design of the pump house will incorporate the same brick look and <br />paint colors for the new City Hall. <br />CITY HALL ARCHITECTS AGREEMENT <br />The City Administrator reported that since former chief architect Bob Russek left BRA, there has been <br />discussion by the City Hall Building Committee to inquire as to whether his services could be used in <br />the construction of the new City Hall. The Committee felt strongly that Mr. Russek had been involved <br />directly both the design, planning, and cost estimating for the new City Hall, and directed staff to solicit <br />his direct involvement on a bimonthly or monthly. Staff agreed to contact the president of BRA and <br />report back whether or not the services of Mr. Russek could be utilized at no cost to the City. <br />PHOTO CONTEST <br />Community Development Director John Rask presented an option for the Council to consider whereby <br />the City would entertain a photo contest in the next issue of the City Newsletter to better present the look, <br />lifestyle, and people who live in the City of Hugo. It is an excellent community activity that would <br />involve residents who would submit both current and historic photos of the City and its residents. Those <br />photos would then be used on the City's website and also on the cover of the City's Comprehensive Plan <br />with consideration given for including them in the charrette process report. Successful photo recipients <br />would receive some gift certificate for their contribution to the City. Council agreed that this would be a. <br />good idea. The issue would be further discussed at a regular Council meeting for formal Council <br />approval. <br />ADJOURNMENT <br />Haas made motion, Petryk seconded, to recess at 10:50 pm until April 4, 2001, 2:30 pm, at the Hugo Fire <br />Hall for the continuation of the charrette process meetings with developers and real estate people. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Michael A. Ericson <br />City Administrator <br />