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2001.04.16 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2001 CC Minutes
2001.04.16 CC Minutes
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City Council
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City Council meeting of April 16, 2001 <br />Page 3 <br />APPROVE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REVIEW & SALARY ADJUSTMENT FOR FINANCE <br />In October 2000, the City Council entered into an agreement Helping Minnesota Cities, Inc., in order to <br />develop a formal City employee salary matrix, including pay equity ranking and individual job <br />descriptions. In December 2000, the City Council adopted the 2001 City Budget that included an <br />allowance for salary adjustments for City employees on their anniversary dates upon satisfactory <br />completion of an annual performance review. In January 2001, the Council adopted the City employee <br />salary matrix, pay equity rankings, and job descriptions. The Compensation Study Report recommended <br />City employee anniversary hiring dates as the time for annual performance reviews, the most common <br />method used by cities. The Administrator completed the annual performance review of the City's <br />Finance Director, Ron Otkin, and recommend to the Council a step increase and salary adjustment in the <br />salary matrix schedule. Ron is an excellent employee who consistently delivers a high level of service to <br />the City. He has earned the distinction of a GFOA award for the City in 2000. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved a step increase and salary adjustment in the salary matrix schedule for Ron Otkin. <br />SITE ACCESS AGREEMENT W/MARIER BROTHERS <br />Council approved the new Dan Northrop facility in the Bald Eagle Industrial Park, and staff was <br />successful in obtaining free fill for the new City Hall site. City Attorney Dave Snyder prepared a Site <br />Access Agreement with Joe and Quentin Marier that would allow the City access across their property to <br />store the fill on the new City'Hall site. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the Site Access <br />Agreement with the Marier brothers to allow trucks access across their property to deliver the fill to the <br />new City Hall. <br />AGREEMENT BERGMAN COMPANIES FOR 2001 CITY STREET CRACK FILLING <br />The City of Hugo has contracted with Bergman Companies since 1998 for its City street crack filling. <br />Since that time, they have provided the City with the same price per pound of sealant at an applied rate <br />9f $.99 per lb. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the contract with Bergman Companies at a <br />total estimated cost of $17,226 for City street crack filling in 2001. <br />APPROVAL FOR HUGO LIONS CLUB TO USE PARK JUNE 8-10 FOR GOOD NEIGHBOR <br />DAYS <br />Each year the Hugo Lions Club requests approval from the City for the use of the City Hall Park for <br />Good Neighbor Days. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the use of City Hall Park for use by <br />the Hugo Lions Club for Hugo Good Neighbor Days to be held June 8-10, 2001. <br />GRANT APPLICATION TO FEMA FOR EQUIPMENT AND VEHICLE PURCHASE BY THE <br />HUGO FIRE DEPARTMENT <br />Fire Chief Joe McMahon has obtained a grant application to the Federal Emergency Management <br />Association (FEMA), a federal agency that funds equipment and vehicle purchases by municipal fire <br />departments in a 90-10 matching grant. The HFD seeks approval from the Council for this grant <br />application to FEMA. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the grant application to FEMA for <br />
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