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City Council meeting of June 18, 2001 <br />Page 7 <br />INVOICE FROM JUDGE JOHN SIMONETT FOR MEDIATION WORK ON JD2 <br />Retired Minnesota Supreme Court Justice John E. Simonett submitted an invoice in the amount of <br />$4,106.03 for the City's share for the mediation services provided by the law firm of Greene Espel for <br />mediation on the JD2 lawsuit. Attorney Paul Haik represented the City on this issue, and he has <br />refused to pay this invoice for services rendered until Judge Simonett responds to his letter asking for <br />certain clarifications. City Attorney Dave Snyder contacted both attorney Paul Haik and Judge <br />Simonett regarding this issue, and presented his recommendation that the Council authorize payment <br />of his mediation fees. <br />Puleo made motion, Petryk seconded, to accept the City Attorney's recommendation any submit <br />payment of the Judge Simonett invoice. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Mayor Miron took his place on the Council dais for discussion/voting on the balance of the agenda. <br />EASEMENTS FOR PELOOUIN INDUSTRIAL PARK P.I. PROJECT <br />Evergreen Land Services has been working with the City of Hugo to negotiate and obtain easements <br />for the Peloquin Industrial Park Public Improvement Project. There has been progress to date, but the <br />progress has been slow. The Council was provided a matrix by Mark Storm from Evergreen Land <br />Services with information to consider on whether to award the low bid contract for the project by the <br />July 2, 2001 bid award deadline. No formal Council was take at this time. <br />REQUEST TO PURCHASE HOUSE (a, 14665 FOREST BOULEVARD <br />At its May 7, 2001 meeting, the Council considered a request from staff for the purchase of a house on <br />TH61. The owners of the house have divorced and are interested in selling the house, and have <br />contacted the City regarding its interest in purchasing the building and land. Council directed staff to <br />negotiate the purchase of the house and determine a funding source. Staff was able to negotiate a <br />purchase of the house at a cost of $149,900, with the funds being supplied by the City's park <br />dedication fund with a reimbursement at a later date. Due to the rising values of used homes in the <br />Twin Cities metro area, the valuation on this home has continued to increase during the negotiations <br />with the property owners, but staff has determined that the purchase is still a good value to the City. <br />Haas made motion, Granger seconded, to approve the purchase of the house at 14665 Forest <br />Boulevard, at a cost of $149,900, with funds from the City's park dedication fund and reimbursement <br />at a later date. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />REQUEST FROM SUNSET LAKE HOMEOWNERS ASSN FOR CITY APPROVAL & <br />PARTICIPATION WITH DNR FOR APPLICATION OF HERBICIDE <br />City staff was contacted by representatives of the Sunset Lake Homeowners' Association regarding the <br />