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MINUTES FOR THE HUGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 6.2001 <br />Mayor -Fran Miron called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. <br />PRESENT: Granger, Haas, Petryk, Puleo, Miron <br />City Administrator, Michael Ericson <br />CD Director, John Rask <br />City Attorney, Tom Weidner <br />City Engineer, Dave Mitchell <br />City Clerk, Mary Ann Creager <br />MINUTES FOR THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 16.2001 <br />Granger made motion, Petryk seconded, to approve the minutes for the City Council meeting of July 16, <br />2001 as submitted. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />MINUTES FOR THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 17.2001 <br />Miron made motion, Haas seconded, to approve the minutes for the City Council meeting of July 17, <br />2001 as submitted. <br />All aye. <br />APPROVAL OF AGENDA <br />City Administrator's Update on New City Hall <br />Discussion of Cluster Ordinance <br />Discussion of Beaver Ponds Drainage <br />Miron made motion, Petryk seconded, to approve the agenda with additions. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />BEAVER PONDS PARK PROJECT (RECOGNITION OF VOLUNTEERS) <br />The Hugo City Council accepted the Parks Commission recommendation to install park equipment in <br />the Beaver Ponds subdivision. Due to the efforts of City staff, Parks Commission members, and local <br />contractors, the project was completed to the satisfaction of the neighborhood and the City. The Mayor <br />and City Council recognized those volunteers who worked very hard, putting in hundreds of hours to <br />accomplish the goal of a neighborhood park. Specific recognition goes out to Parks Commission <br />members, neighborhood residents, with a special thanks to T.J. Bergeron Construction, the local home <br />builder, who provided storage space for the park equipment, as well as volunteer assistance on the site. <br />The City personally recognized volunteer efforts with a Certificate of Appreciation and publicly thanked <br />those individuals who were involved in the project. <br />2000 CITY AUDITOR'S REPORT (LARSON, ALLEN. WEISHAIR & CO.) <br />Tom Koop and Brock Geyen from the auditing firm of Larson, Allen, Weishair & Company presented <br />