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2001.08.06 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2001 CC Minutes
2001.08.06 CC Minutes
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City Council
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City Council meeting of August 6, 2001 <br />Page 3 <br />approved Chris Petree's annual performance appraisal along with the salary adjustment as prescribed in <br />the City employee salary matrix. <br />AUTHORIZATION TO PREPARE PLANS & SPECS FOR WELL NO.4 AND PUMP HOUSE <br />At its July 16, 2001 meeting, the Council approved the sale of the bonds to finance construction of well <br />No. 3, water tower No. 3, and well No. 4 and pump house. Through the City's capital improvements <br />program process, the Council and staff understand the need to begin preparations for the construction of <br />well No. 4. Adoption of the Consent Agenda authorized the City Engineer to prepare plans and specs for <br />the construction of well No. 4 and pump house. <br />APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT FOR BEAVER PONDS 6m ADDITION <br />Oakwood Land Development requested preliminary and final plat approval for six single-family lots for <br />Beaver Ponds 6h Addition located west of Ferrara Avenue. The net density of the project would be 3.6 <br />units per acre. The proposed plat would replace a portion of the preliminary plat for Beaver Ponds 4ie <br />Addition, which included 10 twin home lots for the site. The proposed replat would not significantly <br />change any of the approved infrastructure improvements that are currently under construction on the site. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the preliminary and final plat for Beaver Ponds & Addition. <br />BID AWARD (SCADA SYSTEMI <br />On July 11, 2001, the City received bids on the three key components for the new SCADA system that <br />will provide a sophisticated monitoring and alarm system of the City's water and wastewater treatment <br />facilities. Those three key components are: 1) programmable logic controller (PLC) hardware and <br />programming software; 2) small operator interface station (OIS) hardware and programming software; . <br />and 3) SCADA system and driver software. City staff reviewed the bids with the City Engineer and an <br />electrical engineer from SEH, and recommended the City accept the low bid from Power/Mation for the <br />standard GE approach. This will provide the City with a system made up of components manufactured <br />by a single company, General Electric, supported by a large local distributor, Power/Mation. <br />Haas made motion, Petryk seconded, to award the bids to Power/Mation (GE -standard) in the amount of <br />$7,540.99, for the PLC; Power/Mation (GE -standard) in the amount of $5,467 for the OIS; <br />Power/Mation (GE -Standard) in the amount of $10,514.40 for the SCADA software. The total low bid <br />recommended for approval by the Council is for the GE -Standard system in the amount of $23,522.39. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />JD2 MEDIATION AGREEMENT <br />On July 18, 2001, the JD2 Blue Ribbon Task Force met to finalize the agreement for the surface water <br />management plan for JD2, with representatives from the City of Hugo, BWSR, MnDNR, and RCWD in <br />attendance. Mediator Roger Williams facilitated the session. A proposed agreement was presented to <br />the Council for formal approval. The task force deliberated on all facets of the plan, including <br />responsibilities, funding, and effectiveness. Task Force member Dave Schumann shared with the <br />Council the work that went into completing the agreement. Councilman Puleo questioned whether the <br />other agencies had accepted the agreement. <br />
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