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2001.09.05 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2001 CC Minutes
2001.09.05 CC Minutes
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City Council meeting of September 5, 2001 <br />Page 3 <br />Koll based on the application dated July 31, 2001. <br />APPROVAL OF AN OVERSIZED GARAGE VARIANCE FOR ROBERT HAMM <br />Robert Hamm made a variance request to the City to construct an 834 sq ft attached garage addition on <br />his property located at 12884 Flay Road in the Beaver Ponds subdivision. At its August 22, 2001 <br />meeting, the Board of Zoning Adjustment reviewed the variance request and recommended approval. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the variance from Robert Hamm for an 834 sq ft attached <br />garage addition, since it will be use only for storage of personal belongings and collector vehicles, and <br />no separate driveway will be constructed. <br />APPROVAL OF A SETBACK VARIANCE FOR FRANCIS SATNIK (GARAGE) <br />Francis Satnik made a variance request to the City to allow a 22 ft setback from the side lot line where <br />40 ft is required, for the construction of a garage on his property located at 12310 Janero Avenue. The <br />applicant would like to construct a 1,080 sq ft garage on his property, and is requesting a variance to <br />allow construction 22 ft from the side lot line. At its August 22, 2001 meeting, the Board of Zoning <br />Adjustments reviewed the variance request and recommended approval. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved the variance request for Francis Satnik to construct his garage 22 ft from the side lot <br />line. <br />APPROVAL OF A SETBACK VARIANCE FOR JANINE FROGNER (SWIMMING POOL) <br />Steve and Janine Frogner made a variance request to the City to construct a swimming pool 75 ft from <br />Egg Lake on their property located at 14091 Fountain Avenue. The applicant is requesting approval to <br />construct a 20' x 40' swimming pool 75 ft from Egg Lake, and the City's comprehensive land use <br />regulations require a 100 ft setback. At its August 22, 2001 meeting, the Board of Zoning Adjustments <br />reviewed the variance request and recommended approval. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved <br />the variance request for Steve and Janine Frogner to construct a swimming pool 75 ft from Egg Lake. <br />APPROVAL OF A SITE PLAN FOR WITHROW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (STORAGE <br />SHED) <br />ISD #834 (Stillwater School District) made application to the City for site plan approval to construct a <br />12' x 20' storage shed at 10158 122d Street North. The storage would be used for the storage of <br />supplies, chairs, a snow blower, and athletic equipment. The proposed building would be located south <br />of the existing school, outside of the City's side and rear yard setbacks. City staff reviewed the request <br />and found that the proposal meets all site plan and performance standards as outlined in the City's <br />comprehensive land use regulations. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the site plan for <br />Stillwater School District to construct a 12'*x 20' storage shed at the Withrow Elementary School site.' <br />ACCEPT RESIGNATION OF BUILDING INSPECTOR (JEFF PLESKn <br />New building inspector Jeff Pleski submitted his resignation letter to the City of Hugo terminating his <br />employment with his last day on September 14, 2001. Adoption of the Consent Agenda accepted the <br />resignation of the new building inspector and directed staff to solicit and advertise for the position. <br />
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