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2001.11.05 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2001 CC Minutes
2001.11.05 CC Minutes
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City Council meeting of November 5, 2001 <br />Page 4 <br />Haas made motion, Petryk seconded, to approve the variance requests of Twedt, Gruber, and Rush as <br />submitted. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />APPROVAL OF A VARIANCE TO INCREASE THE SIZE OF A POLE BLDG (TWEDT) <br />At its October 24, 2001 meeting, the Board of Zoning Adjustments considered a variance application <br />from Lynette Twedt, who wishes to build a pole barn on her property located at 15135 Elmcrest <br />Avenue. Ms. Twedt is requesting approval to build a 5,000 sq ft building on his property, where 3,600 <br />sq ft is allowed. The Board considered the request and recommended approval of the variance. Staff <br />reviewed the variance request and found no hardship, and does not recommend approval to the Council. <br />The Board's recommendation is that the Council approve the variance request from Ms. Twedt to build <br />a 5,000 sq ft pole barn in a zoning district where 3,600 sq ft is allowed, subject to the applicant planting <br />trees along the south side of the building. Variance approved by previous motion (reso 2001-66). <br />APPROVAL OF A SETBACK AND SIZE VARIANCE FOR A POLE BLDG (GRUBER) <br />David Gruber, 8045 140' Street, has made application to the City for a variance to construct a 3,200 sq <br />ft pole building closer to the road than the existing home on the property. A variance is also requested <br />because the building is larger than the zoning standard of 2,300 sq ft for an accessory building. At its <br />October 24, 2001 meeting, the Board of Zoning Adjustments considered this request and unanimously <br />recommended approval. City staffs recommendation is to approve the variance to permit the pole <br />building in front of the home, but recommended denial of the variance to increase the size of the pole <br />building. Variance approved by previous motion (reso 2001-67). <br />APPROVAL OF A SETBACK VARIANCE FOR A DECK (RUSH) <br />At its October 24, 2001 meeting, the Board of Zoning Adjustments considered a variance request from <br />Michael and Debra Rush, 6352 151 S` Street, to permit a 8 -foot side yard setback, where 10 ft is required. <br />The Board unanimously recommended approval of the variance request. City staff finds the proposal <br />does not meet all the standards necessary for the City to approve a variance and recommends denial of <br />the variance request of Michael and Debra Rush based on the plans and application. Variance approved <br />by previous motion (reso 2001-68). <br />FURNITURE, FIXTURES, AND EQUIPMENT FOR NEW CITY HALL <br />At its October 15, 2001 meeting, the Council awarded the low bid for the furniture, fixtures, and <br />equipment for the new City Hall to Casper Systems in the amount of $110,824.24. As part of the <br />standard follow-up on all City contracts, the City Attorney reviewed the bid document for conformity to <br />the City standards for bid specifications. City Attorney Dave Snyder recommended Council withdraw <br />the bid award, as Casper Systems did not meet all specifications contained in the bid documents. City <br />staff recommended Council consider the rejection of all bids or award the contract for the furniture, <br />fixtures, and equipment for the new City Hall to the second low bidder Marco Systems from St. Cloud, <br />MN, in the amount of $115,824.21. It was noted that Casper's bid did not include sales tax, which <br />brought the two low bids closer together. <br />
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