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-2 - <br />BOUNTY PAYMASTER FEE. The Bounty Paymaster shall be paid <br />a fee computed as ten percent (1016) of the amount of the bounty <br />fees disbursed during the Bounty Period and reported to the City <br />Clerk as herein required. <br />BOUNTY FUND ACCOUNTING. At the next regular meeting of the <br />City Council following December 1, the Bounty Paymaster shall <br />provide a written summary of Bounty transactions occuring during <br />the Bounty Period, and shall therewith refund the balance of the. <br />Bounty Fund to the City of Hugo. <br />RESOLUTION REVIEW. This resolution shall be reviewed on or <br />before the annual budget meeting for the City of Hugo, for pur- <br />poses of determining whether a budget item will be included for <br />the payment of Gopher Bounties for the next year. This Resolution <br />shall either be renewed for the next year, or shall terminate <br />automatically on December 31, 1980. <br />.Ado��ted and passed by the City Council this I ct <br />day ofR� `� <br />I <br />Lc_t& <br />- I L(4�� ;4 Marvin LaVal e, mayor <br />City of Hugo <br />ATTEST: <br />Carol A. Jilliams, Clerk Treasurer <br />City of Hugo <br />