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1999.02.01 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1999 CC Minutes
1999.02.01 CC Minutes
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10/26/2017 1:45:41 PM
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City Council
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City Council meeting of February 1, 1999 <br />Page 4 <br />agreed to this arrangement. The Purchase Agreement envisions the City entering into a Development <br />Agreement for the use of TIF in this project at a future date. In Paragraph 8B, the City may incur <br />some expense in constructing a shared driveway between the parcel being sold to the Lindstroms (Lot <br />3, Block 1), and the remaining vacant parcel owned by the City (Lot 2, Block 1). The shared driveway <br />is being considered for this location as it would align with Fitzgerald Avenue to the north, and provide <br />for better control of traffic entering 140th Street. <br />Leroux made motion, Barnes seconded, to approve the Purchase Agreement between the City of Hugo <br />and Kay -Rick Corporation for the sale of approximately 56,660 sq ft of land for constriction of a retail <br />liquor store. The sale of price of $130,070 reflects a commission of $13,007 to be paid to Lake State <br />Realty Services, Inc. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />INTERSTATE LUMBER (LAND SWAP) <br />The Council considered a proposed letter to Interstate Lumber offering to exchange their property at <br />the intersection of 145th Street and TH61, for an equal amount of property currently owned by the <br />City, in the Bald Eagle Industrial Park. In addition, the City would pay Interstate Lumber for the value <br />of the improvements existing on their current site, at the time the City sells the property to a third <br />party. This would allow Interstate Lumber to expand its operations in the City in an area zoned for <br />such use, and allow the redevelopment of the current site for higher value retail facilities. Mr. Bruce <br />Neisse of Interstate Lumber was present and stated that Interstate has no interest in moving from their <br />present location. As this proposal was mandated by the previous Council: <br />Barnes made motion, Stoltzman seconded, authorizing submittal of the proposed letter to Interstate <br />Lumber for a possible exchange of property. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />SUNSET LAKE RIDGE ESCROW <br />Colleen and Thomas Frampton, developers of the Sunset Lake Ridge subdivision, posted with the <br />City a cash escrow in the amount of $17,700 to guarantee completion of the improvement of Ingersoll <br />Avenue, south of 122nd Street. The majority of the work on this project was completed in 1998 with <br />some ditch cleaning and site restoration required for the spring, 1999. The City Engineer estimates the <br />cost of the work remaining to be done at approximately $1,600, and recommended that the City <br />maintain a letter of credit or cash escrow in the amount of $2,000 to guarantee performance. The <br />Framptons have requested that the City release the remaining balance of the escrow to them as they <br />have paid the contractor out of their personal savings for the work completed, and believes this work <br />has been performed and they should have their money back. Typically, the City maintains a letter of <br />credit or cash escrow in an amount equal to 25% of the project cost for a period of one year following <br />substantial completion of the public improvements in order to guarantee any repairs that need to be <br />made under warranty. In this case, the final lift of bituminous was placed on Ingersoll Avenue on <br />October 22, 1998. Staff recommended retaining the existing escrow amount until October 21, 1999. <br />
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