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City Council meeting of March 15, 1999 <br />Page 5 <br />1. Add provision for fines to be levied and taken from escrow for any damages done to the City's <br />infrastructure while work is in progress. <br />2. The City must be provided an opportunity to review the landscape plan prior to implementation. <br />All aye. Motion carried. <br />BEAVER PONDS SECOND ADDITION (FINAL PLAT) <br />Oakwood Land Development, 1611 Highway 10, Spring Lake Park, MN., requested final plat approval <br />for Beaver Ponds subdivision, consisting of 32 townhomes along the south side of 130th Street, east of <br />Flay Avenue. <br />Barnes made motion, Stoltzman seconded, to approve the final plat for Beaver Pond Second Addition. <br />All aye. Motion carried. <br />BEAVER PONDS (COST-SHARING REQUEST) <br />Oakwood Land Development, 1611 Highway 10, Spring Lake Park, MN., requested the City's Private <br />Development Cost Sharing Policy be applied to the sewer and watermain project for the Beaver Ponds <br />development since a portion of these utilities will be oversized to benefit development of adjacent <br />properties. This was considered at the Council meeting of March 1, 1999, and tabled to allow the City <br />Engineer to review this request. <br />Stoltzman made motion, Barnes seconded, to table the decision until the Council has had an <br />opportunity to review the report prepared by the City Engineer. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />RAILROAD AGREEMENT <br />Leroux made motion, Barnes seconded, to approve the agreement between the City of Hugo and the <br />Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railroad Company for the extension of the municipal sanitary sewer <br />and watermain under the railroad tracks at 130th Street. <br />All aye. Motion carried. <br />LAW ENFORCEMENT CONTRACT <br />The Council considered an agreement between the City of Hugo and the Washington County Sheriff's <br />Office for law enforcement services for 1999. This matter was considered and tabled at the City <br />Council meeting of March 1, 1999. <br />