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City Council meeting of April 5, 1999 <br />Page 3 <br />11.14 acres into 32 single level townhomes to be known as the Whispering Pines subdivision. The <br />property is generally located on the northeast corner of 125th Street and Highway 61. The PC <br />conducted a public hearing at their meeting of March 24, 1999, at which time the Commission adopted <br />Findings and Recommendations to approve the subdivision with conditions. The PC had previously <br />recommended rezoning the property from agriculture to SFU. Charlie Melcher, engineer for the <br />project, reviewed the proposal for 32 townhomes on the 11.14 acre parcel. The Council discussed <br />trees, drainage, and street design. Mr. Melcher stated that they would be constructing 125th Street, <br />from TH61 to the Hauble property, to a 32' urban section road. <br />Stotlzman made motion, Haas seconded, to approve the preliminary plat for the Whispering Pines <br />subdivision, subject to the amended Findings and Recommendations. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Stotlzman made motion, Haas seconded, to adopt ORDINANCE 1999-331, AN ORDINANCE <br />AMENDING THE ZONING DISTRICT OF THE PROPERTY FOR WHISPERING PINES FROM <br />AG TO SFU. <br />VOTING AYE: Haas, Petryk, Stoltzman <br />Motion Carried. <br />PRELEMOWARY PLAT (ONEKA LAKE VIEW SOUTH) <br />North Suburban Development, Inc., 1333 Osborne Road., Spring Lake Park, MN, applied to subdivide <br />by PUD approximately six acres of property along the south side on Oneka Lake Blvd., into six <br />townhome sites. The property is currently zoned SFU, and is located within the lakeshore district of <br />Egg Lake, and had previously received preliminary plat approval as part of the Oneka Lake View <br />subdivision. This application was subject to a public hearing before the PC at their meeting of March <br />24, 1999, at which time the PC adopted Findings and Recommendations to approve the proposed the <br />PUD subject to conditions. Haas referenced the Engineer's report regarding this plat, and because of <br />unanswered questions: <br />Haas made motion, Petryk seconded, to table preliminary plat approval for Oneka Lake View South to <br />allow time to answer engineering concerns. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (FRANCINE'S MEADOWS) <br />In conjunction with final plat approval, the Council considered the proposed Development Agreement <br />between the City of Hugo and the developer for the proposed Francine's Meadows subdivision. Mayor <br />Stoltzman felt that the minor subdivision process for the Charpentier and Stewart property should be <br />handled prior to discussion of this matter. The City Attorney stated that this issue had been resolved in <br />the Development Agreement. <br />