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City Council meeting of April 5, 1999 <br />Page 5 <br />the roadway width of this area to 60 ft, and constructing storm sewer improvements. The disturbed <br />area is planned to be reconstructed with curb, gutter, and bituminous paving, as well as an improved rail <br />crossing. A 10 ft bituminous bike trail is proposed along the south side of 140th Street from Fenway <br />Boulevard to Forest Boulevard. The estimated cost of this project is $157,000. The area proposed to <br />be assessed for this project are those properties benefiting from the project and fronting 140th Street <br />between Finale Avenue and Forest Blvd. Because of an error by the White Bear Press, the hearing <br />notice for the proposed public improvement was not published twice as required by statute. The Mayor <br />opened the public hearing, including the following comments: Arnie Triemert felt that a bike trail <br />would allow for rollerblades; Rich Ober opted for the sidewalk; Mike Fleischhacker was concerned <br />with drainage and questioned the assessment process; Galen Carlson was opposed to the trail for safety <br />reasons; Peter Pedersen was concerned with the lack of traffic lights. The hearing was closed, and <br />Council member Petryk stated that she wanted a concrete sidewalk installed instead of the bike trail. <br />After research of the ordinance, it was determined that a 10' path/sidewalk was required, and would be <br />illustrated on development plans. <br />Stoltzman made motion, Haas seconded, to accept the City Engineer's feasibility report for the <br />improvement to the railroad crossing at 140th Street, and order plans and specs. To meet notice <br />requirements, a public improvement hearing will be held on May 3, 1999 at 7:05 p.m., along with <br />consideration of an assessment roll. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />OAKSHORE PARK PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PROJECT <br />The Council continued discussion of the Oakshore Park public improvement project as well as a revised <br />cost estimate for the project prepared by the City Engineer. Under law, it will require the affirmative <br />vote of four Council members to order this project. Because two Council members were absent: <br />Stoltzman made motion, Petryk seconded, to table this matter until the meeting of April 19, 1999. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />REVISED COST ESTIMATE (PELOQUIN INDUSTRIAL PARK) <br />The Council reviewed a revised cost estimate for the improvement of the Peloquin Industrial Park and <br />adjacent areas along TH61. The City Engineer revised his concept for this project, and discussed <br />proposed changes with the Council at the meeting. In addition, concerns have been raised regarding the <br />connection of 152nd Street to residential property abutting the Industrial Park on its east side. The <br />Council advised that this matter be placed on the agenda for the meeting of April 19, 1999. <br />WATER TOWER AND WELL <br />The Council considered a report from the City Engineer recommending the construction of new water <br />tower and well to serve the community, as well as a letter from the Fire Chief requesting that these <br />facilities be approved for construction. <br />