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City Council meeting of April 19, 1999 <br />Page 3 <br />PRESENTATION (CORDELIA PIERSON, TRUST FOR PUBLIC LANDS) <br />Ms. Cordelia Pierson, representing the Trust of Public Lands, addressed the Council to discuss her <br />agency's program with the Council, specifically, the Green Corridor Project. <br />PRESENTATION (DAVID PIGGOTT, METRO EAST DEVELOPMENT PARTNERSHIP) <br />Mr. Piggott appeared before the Council to discuss his agency's programs, and requested <br />consideration of membership in his organization at year 2000 budget time. <br />JOHN WALLER (SUBMISSION OF REPORT) <br />Mr. Waller presented the Council with a draft copy of the water study to be presented to the <br />Washington County Board of Commissioners at their meeting of May 4, 1999. The Board will <br />received comments on the report at this meeting. <br />OAKSHORE PARK PUBLIC II"ROVEMENT PROJECT <br />Because two Council members were absent at the Council meeting of April 5, 1999, the Council <br />tabled action of the proposed improvements in the Oakshore Park subdivision until this evening. The <br />Council received, by letter, the City Attorney's opinion on the votes required to order this project. <br />The Council discussed ways the project cost could be reduced to lower the City's contribution of <br />$264,000 towards the project's cost. Council members Haas and Barnes felt that property owners <br />are not paying enough of the costs relative to benefit received. Haas questioned whether the park <br />located in the subdivision could be assessed (possibly 17 lots if divided). Council member Petryk felt <br />that the Council acted in "good faith" when property owners were notified of their assessment. <br />Because a large amount of City funds has already been expended through the years discussing this <br />project, Councilman Leroux felt a financial compromise should be attempted. <br />Haas made motion, Leroux seconded, directing the City Engineer, City Attorney, and appraiser, Julie <br />Schwartz, meet and report as to a more proper course of action to reassess upwards from $17,000, or <br />to assess parkland, and comment to the Council on the advisability of either option. <br />VOTING AYE: Barnes, Haas, Leroux, Stoltzman <br />ABSTAINED: Petryk <br />Motion Carried. <br />ONEKA LAKE VIEW SOUTH (PRELIMINARY PLAT) <br />The Council received the developer's response to questions raised at their meeting of April 5, 1999. <br />The Council further discussed whether Oneka Lake Boulevard was wide enough to accommodate <br />increased traffic, and if parking was allowed. There was also discussion about the "shared" driveway, <br />and potential for conflict in the future. Council member Barnes expressed a desire to review the <br />grading plan for the project. <br />Barnes made motion, Haas seconded, to table this matter until the meeting of May 3, 1999. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />