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City Council meeting of September 20, 1999 <br />Page 6 <br />BUSINESS SUBSIDY CRITERIA <br />The 1999 state legislature placed new requirements on cities wishing to provide subsidies to businesses. <br />Cities are to establish a "business subsidy criteria', and conduct a public hearing on such criteria prior to <br />providing business subsidy; this includes the use of tax increment financing in the Bald Eagle Industrial <br />Park. The City Finance Director and bond consultant prepared a list of business subsidy criteria needed <br />to be adopted prior to the City entering into a Development Agreement for the Nor -Lakes' project. <br />Barnes made motion, Haas seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 1999-15, A RESOLUTION CALLING <br />FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON OCTOBER 4, 1999 ON THE PROPOSED ADOPTION OF <br />BUSINESS SUBSIDY CRITERIA. <br />VOTING AYE: Barnes, Haas, Leroux, Petryk, Stoltzman <br />Motion Carried. <br />BUILDING DEPARTMENT SOFTWARE PURCHASE <br />The Council considered a memorandum from the City's Finance Director recommending that the City <br />purchase PermitWorks software from TR Systems LLC, in the amount of $6,953.68. The software is to <br />be used by the City's building department to manage its permits, inspection, and licensing activities. It is <br />expected that the software will assist the department to more effectively respond to building permit <br />requests, reduce clerical requirement, and better manage information. <br />Stotlzman made motion, Petryk seconded, authorizing the purchase of PermitWorks software from TR <br />Systems LLC, in the amount of $6,953.68. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />ENGINEER SERVICES <br />Because of the dissolution of the City's engineering firm, OSM: <br />Leroux made motion, Petryk seconded, that the City seek RFP's for engineering services. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />FIRE HALL DEDICATION <br />Councilman Leroux would like a City representative, involved in making the Fire Hall a reality, make a <br />presentation at the Open House on October 2, 1999. Fire Hall Committee Chairman, Tom Bina, will be <br />asked to make comments. <br />FIELD TRIP <br />Council member Petryk stated that she will be attending the Washington County field trip on September <br />28th. No other Council members will be attending on that date. <br />